Sunday, September 30, 2007

A serious updating post...

(reposted from the IDIOTHEAD.COM Forum)---

I just wanted to take a minute here and do a mega post about whats been happening with me for those out of the loop.

Usually every year I hit every con in the midwest. I release at least 2-4 books a year and a new Idiothead Comedy CD. I had hoped 2007 would be a big year for me. So big in fact, that I declared that I would make the trip to San Diego. I also declared that we would be shooting our first movie in the fall.

Here's what happened:

I moved from Mt. Pleasant to St. Joseph, MI... 3 hours south. My wife remained behind to finish her masters degree. While we were living in two places, we paid rent on two apartments. Not cheap. Also, we racked up credit cards and moving bill expenses just to get our shit moved. This sucked ALL of our savings, our funds, all of it. So I had to sacrifice alot to do it. My personal and professional life suffered.

I was only able to print the first Pleasant Life issue and really didn't get to get out there and promote it. I only hit one con and that was Pittsburgh. the show went okay, but I didn't get to have the major release like I wanted to. It truly bummed me out. 2007 is the 5 year anniversary of Pleasant Life and the characters involved, so I wanted more out of it. but when it came down to it, it takes money to make money. I am not DC or MARVEL. When I print and travel, the money comes from my pocket.

I had to drop alot of con appearances. Believe me, it was painful on those days to think "man, my friends are at Motor city con right now selling thier new comics and hugging each other. I'm sitting here jocking a register in a porn shop." It also kills me that I spent the later half of 2006 at a side job of McDonalds, hating every second of it trying to save money for San Diego and printing. But that money had to go to moving. My dreams: shattered.

I released Pleasant Life #1 in March and it got some great reviews. Seems I've finally cracked my "professional level" wide open. but alas, not being able to TAKE IT TO THE PEOPLE hurts me the most. If people cannot see it, they don't buy it.

On the band front, Shane has been dealing with full time parenthood things. His son Evan is one year old this week. Taking care of a newborn takes alot of his time. Also, they were going to be moving to a new home, until recently when those plans dissapated. Plus, shane scored a heavy new promotion at his job. One that requires alot of attention. He isn't so free to go make funny books and albums with his pal as much as he'd like.

Also when I moved, I lost access to a scanner and all the computer programs it takes to update my website and do online artwork. It doesn't seem likely that I can get a new computer or the programs needed until early 2008.

so, these things combined have been sucking. Meantime, we started a PODCAST to help pass the time and keep people informed and entertained. these PODCASTS are 100% free and people can digest them at their leisure. I hope that helps soften the blow of not seeing much of us in 2007.

I know I got 3 months to go but 2007 was a rough year. Although a VERY IMPORTANT ONE.. here's why:

--Now that I've moved to St. Joseph (same town Shane lives in), we are set up to put our business of onto the front burner with weekly updates, podcasts and projects. In the near future we are recording new music and yes, we will shoot our first movie. No shit. Its happening.

--This downtime for me has allowed me to take on side projects with other writers, in the hopes that branching out a bit will get my name out there. I've hooked up with Newsarama and Latino Review's Ryan McLelland for WISE INTELLIGENCE on a 3 issue run. and right now working with Boomtown Studio's own Brett Pinson on THE EXPENDABLES one shot. Plus early in the year I did another ADVENTURES OF EARTHGIRL with Melody Glass that is available through her website right now ( These things are amazing to me. that someone considers my art good enough to attach their words to it? Wow. It makes me get so high. It really pumps me up. Makes me feel like I'm doing something right.

--I've got Pleasant Life #2-3 done and on disc, ready to print. Likely, I'll release both at the same time. Early 2008 in time for con season. Also, I am 1/2 way through issue #4. And I've got the scripts to the next 8 done as well.

--There's talk of doing a fantasy GN with a dear friend of mine. I'm also discussing writing a special one shot for another pal of mine to take up the art duties on. And I wrote a Pleasant Life Halloween Special that Jay Fosgitt is drawing that will see the light of day in the future. So, stuff IS ON THE BURNER!!!!!!!

--I wrote a frackin' MOVIE SCRIPT! One that we're shooting in the near future. A horror movie that is scary and funny as all hell. I cannot wait to start it.

--I've hinted at this other big project I've undertook. I cannot say what it is cause I don't know right now if I can make it happen. Whether it sees the light of day is up in the air cause I need approval to publish it. Its a book. A written novel. One I have been tailor-made all my life to write. Its fully outlined out with some chapters complete. But when its finished I need to go through the proper channels and seek approval before you can see it and I can say what it is. People that know me well enough can take a good educated guess as to what it is. Sorry I have to be vague, but its necessary.

No, I haven't been setting on my ass doing nothing. I've done commissions, got ahead on artwork. Designed new Tshirts and Posters and am right now seeing what cons to hit in 2008. Defiantly all the midwest ones. And one or two more that I've NEVER done before. Will I make it to San Diego? I dunno. I'm thinking of hitting the more indie friendly cons in 08. I think my name will travel further there. I'm trying to be business smart about this all.

My wife and I have made a financial game plan and we're working out the details. Its all there. Its happening.

So, I guess I just wanted to post this and let you all know what has been happening with me. Why its been so quiet at my myspace page and and the forums there. I pop on and do reviews, blogs and surveys and try to stay in your eyes. but trust me, in 2008, you're gonna get sick of seeing me. I'll be everywhere. I'm glad you all have stuck by me and cared enough about me and my work to keep popping by my various sites and forwarding me words of encouragement. It means alot to me. More than you know.

2008 will be the biggest year of my life. In January I will turn 30. I may be older, but my journey is young and there's so much to do. I hope you all are a part of it. I'll see you there.

Much luv, T

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