Saturday, December 06, 2008

Beverly Garland RIP

Most of you might not know who she was but Beverly Garland was a legend in cinema. I think she's extremely notable because in an era where most women in film were just reduced to screaming, fainting, helpless fragile things, waiting for the man to come in and save them.

Beverly was different. She was tough. She kicked ass. She held her own in films like THE GUNSLINGER and SWAMP WOMEN. In IT CONQUORED THE WORLD, she was being ate by the ugly pickle monster. She screamed at it as she shot it while she was ate alive, "I hope you choke!" Like, she was going down and hoping she got stuck in the ugly monster's gullet and killed it herself.

Paving the way for women heroines like RIPLEY in ALIENS and so much more, Beverly Garland is to be greatly remembered and missed.


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