Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hell day yesterday.

Above: Scott at happier times.

Yesterday, not so much!

After sleeping from 4-7:20am, Scott woke me up for his morning feeding. Usually after that, he'll sleep for another 2-3 hours into the wee morning. Not so. He stayed up. I tried to nap beside him. Wasn't happening. He'd whine and cry and toss about alot. I'd wake up and tend to him. and it was like this pattern ALL DAY! I didn't get to do anything at all as far as production work on my comics, update website crap that I planned to do or anything! but, that is the life of a parent sometimes I guess.

Its a test of patience, which I am no good at. But I am learning. But after an exhausting day of dealing with a teething moody 4 month old, I wanted to pass out to sleep as quick as possible, so I bowed out of the Tuesday night podcast. I downloaded it and listened to it this morning and it was a good show. I really hated missing it, cause I look forward to that stuff sooooooo much during the week.

Plus, I am behind now on self imposed deadlines to complete work for Pleasant Life and Outcast to get them to the printer on time for convention season. Cause not only do I have to do those, but also the table banner print stuff, prints, original art sales, and other things I had planned. So its slowly getting ahead of me, and I gotta catch up. I desperately need a couple days of hard work and productivity. Lord, grant me that this week. thats all I ask for.

Today, he got me up at 8am. I slept from 11:20 to 6:30 this morning. My body is all out of whack for some reason. Luckily, the wife has the next couple days off and can take him off my hands for a bit to help me get back on physical and mental track. I need that.

Nothing else new right now. Hopefully I can get some stuff done today before work. If he will cooperate. ;)

Cheers, T

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