Friday, February 27, 2009

Its over.......

Folks, for the first time today, I was fired from a job. Yup, I am no longer employed at a porn shop. Let me explain the long story...

I was hired in 2007 there and I was asked to buy 3 polo shirts. I did and they had stripes on them. Apparently, a new rule was just put in place that week I was hired that the polo shirts had to be black, red or purple. I could not return them. (In fact, I spent my last $25.00 on them too!) My manager at the time provided me with one of his own shirts, a 1X, which was too tight for me, but I managed by sucking in my huge 3X size gut.

Later on, we were provided "official" uniforms with the Lions Den logo on them. I got one black shirt, one grey. The grey one was destroyed during one of the 500 times we moved the store around, leaving me with just the black. Later on, I was promoted. It was then according to the handbook that I could wear "business casual" cause I was a manger. Again, I invested in newer polo shirts and dressy type of shirts and slacks. After a few months, I was informed that regular BLACK, RED and PURPLE shirts were acceptible attire again. I wore black polos all the time.

One day, my area supervisor came in and yelled at my boss for letting me wear a shirt without the logo. So from then on, despite what it said in the handbook, I was required to wear the logo shirt. Somewhere along the line, the "you can wear black polos" rule ceased and went back to logo shirts only. Also, in this, the handbook and uniform policies were not updated, so I was unaware of this. Really to me, its not like I was in food service and it did not seem like that big of a deal to me, so I paid it no mind. I only had ONE uniform shirt anyway, so when that was in the wash, I went to my backup reserves and everything was fine.

SEPTEMBER 1, 2008... My son was born. I talked to my boss saying I wanted to step down because of my shifting of priorities in my new home life and career. I was told that if I was to step down, I would be terminated. (way to kick a dude when he's down, eh?) So I stuck it out and struck a deal with my understanding boss that I would work certain shifts AROUND my wife's schedule. As a result of that, I was wrote up a couple times for not being available. Some of which I disputed.

As this realization came to me, my work suffered. I did the job, but not much extra. Despite all of this, this week so far has been pretty uneventful. I even worked double hard yesterday and did extra cleaning. My zeal was starting to return. Even though tensions between my boss and I were sometimes not the most ideal.

However, today I came to work and my area supervisor was there. I noted that when I came in, she said nothing to me. Just looked past me. She then told my store manager to send me home because I didn't have the afrementioned "logo" shirt on. I said okay and headed home to wash the one shirt I had, because Scott had puked on it before. On the way out, I saw an employee outside. She asked where I was going. I said "I'm being sent home because I don't have my fucking uniform on!" I got in the car and left. Not mean or malicious, sorta jokey and whatever. I went home, washed the shirt and returned.

Once there, I found that the employee immediately went inside and told them what I said when I left, and that coupled with being "out of uniform" they decided to terminate me. I cannot say I was suprised when I was told upon my return. I simply asked for some relavant information and a copy of my termination form. I said my goodbye to my boss, cleared out my locker and left, promising never to come back. I actually had to hold back smiles and laughter.

The shock was quick but after it subsided, I knew in my heart of hearts that this has been a long time coming and I am glad its here. I know the economy sucks right now, but I am confident I got the skills and know how to score another job out there, even if it means flipping burgers once more. I do have a family to feed after all. My one overwhelming thought is that everything is okay. I'm actually relieved and happy about it. Sure it sucks that there's alot of questions about what we're gonna do, and how am I gonna pay for tables and printing and all that, but I am gonna leave it to fate's hands. Point me in the direction I am supposed to go. Something drove me out of there, and it has been for a long time. I'm meant to move on and do other things. It was an abrupt thing to happen right now, but I am confident that all is for the better.

So, thus ends this chapter of my life. I have many fun memories there but truthfully, I am glad to be rid of the negativity that job provided my life. Both personally and professionally. I intend to move forward into places where I am meant to go. Moving on down the trail.

Wish me luck folks. If you want to help, pre-order a comic from me, or order a commission. That will help me. But for now, its time to get out there and start scoring applications!

I love you all.

--Your former smut peddler,


(POST SCRIPT TO THE STORY: A week after I was fired, the manager that fired me hired her niece to replace me. YEah. Ain't no way she was targeting me to replace me with her so she could "keep an eye" on things there, eh? And BTW, she was later let go for stealing money. OOPS!) Epic fail there former boss.

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