I've always been a proponent and believer in Murphy's Law... and I'm not talking about a dope ass 1986 Charles Bronson film. Just simply the belief that anything that can go wrong, will. And for me, this is always the case. Take today for example..
For those that keep up with my blog, you know I lost my job and went for unemployment. We waited and waited and according to the calculator thingie we did, I was only gonna draw like $130 a week take-home... FAAAAAARRRRRR lower than we need to survive sanely. But we decided that maybe it was a mistake and put our faith that come this past monday, it would work out. Well, I reported in to unemployment on Monday as I was supposed to and after some hassle on the phone, I learned it was still pending and could take up to SIX WEEKS To go through!!!!!! Imean, I got a family to feed, comics to print, rent to pay, etc. I can't sit around with my finger up my ass can I???
Well, of course the wife and I paniced and it seemed likely that I was once gonna work at McDonalds again (sigh). But luckily, she called her old Walgreens boss to see if they were hiring and I got a position there.
Cut to today:
I get the mail, and in there is an award letter... saying I was gonna get from unemployment FAR MORE than what we thought... like enough to live on comfortably. I tossed the letter at the wife with a chuckle. Yeah, so I got a job I "technically" didn't need. When I could be sitting on my arse, working on my art, not having to worry about juggling schedules, being home 24/7 with my son and watching him grow.
But in the end, I'm glad it worked the way it did. I NEED to be up at a job, on my feet and active. I need to be at a place, meeting new people and getting the stench of Lions Den out of my mind. and plus with the job, I still will pull SOME of the unemployment, so we can use that extra income to catch up on bills... of which there are plenty! So it really is for the best.
I started the new job tonight and I gotta say its quite enjoyable. Everyone seems very nice and the job is pretty simple to do. It was kinda hard on my severely out of shape body, but thats precisiely what I need right now. The goal is to drop at least 30-40 pounds by San Diego Comic Con time. All that walking at the con... I need to be in decent shape and ready for it. This job is sorta "training" for that. I got my schedule for the next month and cool beans, I only work 4 days a week. So I can still claim some unemployment and have an extra day to work on my comics and artwork, and spend time with the bot. All is well.
Murphy's law. Its a bitch. But always funny when it happens.
Luvs, T
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