Monday, March 30, 2009

Neon arms.

I get up around 1pm and the wife heads to work. I spend time with the bots and check my email. I do some doodling, watching more ANGRY VIDEO GAME NERD and decide to stop sketching and watch some STAR TREK TNG. Bots passes out around 9pm, and I take a quick nap before work. The wife comes home and I head into work. Most of the shift I am on the computer doing learning. And then I get some work done. Finally at 7am, I head home and check email with the wife. She passes back out and I finish checking my stuff. I pass out around 9am.

I wake up around 3:45 and hang out with the wife and bots. I get a sketchbook in the mail from Tim. I do some sketching and word balloons on Outcast. I scan some sketches and put them on deviantart. I attempt another nap at 8pm, but it doesn’t take. So I get back up and do more word balloons while catching up on podcasts from last night. I head to work at 10:40pm and work till 7. I then come home with some surprise breakfast for Kelly. I pass out around 8am.

Its Kelly’s day off so I get to sleep in till 3:45pm again. We hang out and chill all day, not doing much. I finish a few word balloons and I also get the Sketchbooks in the mail so I get to work on those, finishing the free sketches to mail them out to everyone next week. At 10:45pm I head into work and work my shift till 7am. I score some soda and a paper and head home. I stay up with the bots until he passes back out at 10am. I lay down and pass out.

My folks are coming up and they call saying they won’t be there till 6pm. Scott gets me up around noon and so I play with him and watch SPACEBALLS on Encore for free out of boredom. Kelly gets home at 3, and I hand off the bots to her and pass out for some decent sleep, as I only got about two hours worth this morning. Kelly gets me up around 6:30 to say that my parents are here. So I get up and help them in. We swing by Walgreens to grab a new air mattress for them. We hang out at the house for the rest of the night, catching up and chatting. They brought a bunch of diapers and toys for Scotty and we spend time trying to put batteries in them and seeing how they work. YAY! I lay my head down at midnight and pass out due to severe exhaustion.

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