Yes, its STAR TREK... episode "What Are Little Girls are Made Of?" and yes, that is a stalagmite in Kirk's hand. and yes, it does resemble a phallus. Joke.
So the other day I ran into one of my ex co-workers from the porn shop and she revealed that the new person they hired to replace me is the NIECE OF THE BOSS WHO HAD ME FIRED!!!!!!!!! Funny huh? Leads me to believe:
1-Her neice needed a job and she says "oh, I know just the place... I'll get someone out of there I don't care for and you can move on in."
2-Now she has a spy in the store and she can keep a better eye on things not seen by the cameras and things said behind the backs of others.
So yeah, sheds some new light into why I was so suddenly let go (for a very minor reason and for something I was OFF THE CLOCK for) and why they are not fighting my unemployment like they did for many other employees. The dots have connected and now I know the full story.
See, not once did I hate myself about it. like, "wow, you fucked up Adam. Your poor attitude cost you a job." Nope. It wasn't my fault. It... wasnt... my... fault! Of course I didn't beat myself up for it. I was very happy to leave. As I said before, I was all smiles while driving home after being fired. So fuck em! I was tired of the politics, backbiting and double-sidedness of the place. And let me tell you... the things I could tell you about working there would make your head spin. Some seriously screwed up stuff.
But now I don't have that negativity in my life and have moved on. But I am always glad to know that things behind me are on fire and they are polishing the brass on the titanic. Meanwhile, I'm sailing in a rowboat to better, less turbulant waters and following my dreams.
Fuck you Lions Den. Let this be the last time I speak it's name.
In other news, I am finishing digital colors on a commission I was hired for. I'm STILL waiting for the sketchbooks to arrive. I'm STILL waiting for the invoice to pay for my PLEASANT LIFE tradebook printing. But even WHEN I get to pay for the printing, when are the damn books gonna arrive??? Next to never? Who knows? So far this year, comixpress is not impressing me. I've liked them up till now, so I hope things start connecting. Maybe they are busy? I dunno. But all I know is I got customers waiting on product they already paid for and it makes me look bad. Not my fault folks. Trust me, I'll get yeh the stuff as soon they come off the truck and I quickdraw your sketches.
I got confirmation that Pittsburgh got my table money so I am 100% going there. Wizard World Chicago is still kinda up in the air. I'm leaning towards not going, considering I've got NO money to pay for a table and the show just ain't profitable for me. Plus, Wizard is sorta on their way out, so perhaps its a waste of time and effort anyway. We'll see what happens. I got Tim Fischer in on it with me. Between the two of us, maybe we'll come up with something.
My parents are coming next week to see us and the bots. Very excited cause I haven't seen them since Ted and I did that one day trek to Illionis to get mom's chair. Plus they haven't seen the bots since he was all quiet, small and in the hospital.
I'm excited about finally seeing QUANTUM OF SOLACE today. I watched MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN yesterday. I still got SPY WHO LOVED ME and MOONRAKER left of my collection to watch. (I bought them, and haven't seen the movies yet!)
I got a couple new ebay auctions up. Graphic novel lots. Go there and do a search for "floydianslip23" and thats me. Bid away!!!!!!
I think thats all I got. Much love to ya'll.
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