Sunday, September 06, 2009

Adam Gets Political for a moment....

Let me preface this rant: I'm no expert on the subject of politics. But I do have a voice and am allowed to use it in this country. So I want to speak my feelings. I have never assigned myself to a particular party, viewpoint or pre-concieved notion of thinking. Nor do I try to follow someone blindly because I've heard the name more than the other. When I look at who I cast my vote for, the issues are king. My needs are simple: I don't want others to suffer, I want a bright future for myself and my loved ones in my country. That simple. and whatever is the greater good, is what I go for.

No secret-I voted for Obama this past election. Not cause of what a handsome dude, or what a dynamic public speaker he was, and NO, not cause he was black. I picked him because he seemed the closest to what I wanted as far as the issues go. The last 8 years we've been focusing on the outside and we killed many innocent people, and based on lies. But in reality, he talked of change. and after what we were starting to go through with the economy, thats exactly what I wanted.

Now the mess he was left, who would want it? It would not be easy to clean all this up by yourself. Literally, the weight of the world would be on his shoulders. Sink or swim, succeed or fail, it would be up to him. Many looked to him as a savior, who would deliver us from evil. I looked at him as symbol of that, but in the end, he's just a man and would make mistakes. He said so himself as well.

But a few months after those glorious times, I keep hearing stories on the news about how controversial he is. How he is failing and people are starting to turn on him. Personally I don't get it. Look at the mess he was left. How can one clean that up and please everyone while doing it? Impossible. But try he is. But if he sneezes, people are there to wipe his nose. Some even hoped he'd fail before he started. Really? YOu want to see our citizens standing in line for days for bread to feed our families? You want to see the whole world hate us and eventually turn on us, effectively destroying us? You want that? What sickos!

Just like that whole thing of "He's the sign on the anti-christ" and comparing bible verses around him coming. Or the fact that his middle name is Hussian. or saying he really wasn't born here. Wasting time on such nonsense. Our focus has not at all been on the issue.

Rather, I'd think that we all would love to see us succeed and clean up what needs to be fixed. We made some mistakes in the last 8 years and Obama has been doing his best to be a part of that cleanup. Fixing international relations, urging clean energy sources and cars, trying to boost the economy from minus a jillion... He's TRYING!

Thats the whole point. The man is trying. But before he can, we fuck him in the ass and hope he fails. But in the end, we fuck ourselves doing that. Thats what I don't get.

And now, this latest thing: The president wants to do a live video for schoolchildren to watch. And parents have to sign permission for it. Why? Why the fuck would that need to happen? I remember as a kid once I participated in a athletic tournament (yeah, I was thin once) and the prize was a certificate signed by George H Bush. My parents didn't need to sign a permission slip for me to participate. Also, I recall Bill Clinton's message aired on episodes of Channel One into schools. Did I need a permission slip for that? Nope. So why do we need it now?

Are people so afraid that someone COULD help us if we just shut up and let him do the job? To me, I see this as thinly veiled racism. I hate to pull the race card, but I cannot help but think that. Cause that explanation seems as rediculous as the truth, I am sure.

Well, if everyone says they are right and Obama sucks, and they got better ideas... someone should step forward with the right idea and answer. Instead of fucking over the ones who are trying. Its like when as a kid you or your friends were forced to clean up a mess or do a chore and they just stood off to the side, kicking their feet and not helping. WHO CARES WHO IS DOING IT?!?!?!?!? JUST FUCKING HELP! Its our mess as a people. Our mess. All of us. And I for one don't mind paying higher taxes if it means one more innocent person doesn't have to die.

So lets assume that everyone is right and I Cannot trust the government or its leaders. And lets assume that I agree that everyone who isn't helping isn't right either. Who do I trust? Who do I put my trust into if I cannot believe in anything?

I'm so sick of the whole thing. We stand next to the evolutionary ladder so many times only to kick ourselves down the hill again. How stupid and childish are we as a species? We cannot take care of ourselves, nor each other. We want ourselves to fail.

Sometimes, I just want to move and give it all up. To just forget about it all and just live my 50-70 years on this planet, free from all you arguing arseholes. But I still hold out the hope that we can change. And its that hope that keeps me here instead of giving up.

So I urge you: stop complaining for things beyond our control. Let people do their job and be a helper in cleaning up this world. Our leaders may not be perfect, but they are the best we got right now. Why stop it?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

The USA was not founded upon a "spread the wealth" concept. We are free to be successful or fail, and we should have to live with what we accomplish (or don't). We need to stop looking to the government to rescue us. If I want to help the needy, I know of many local organizations I can support which are much more efficient than any government program. I prefer to support them, and should be allowed to decide where my money goes. My problem with Obama and his policies is they are based around government being the solution, and that they know best. I simply cannot agree with that, regardless of how "helpful" he wants to frame it. It's all politics, and will continue to be after Obama. Government (feds, state, and local) all need to cut expenses, or we will all suffer the consequences. We all need to stop looking to the government for help, since their solutions all result in simply taking more money from us. I don't see how that improve the economy, or support freedom and independence. I shouldn't have to pay for your mistakes, unless I chose to, and you shouldn't have to pay for mine. More government isn't the answer, and that's the problem I have with Obama, and Granholm, and Levin.