Friday, April 29, 2011


What!!!! WHATS THIS?!?!?!!? I DONT LIKE CHANGE!!!!!

Well, too bad folks! I am very excited to premiere the new IDIOTHEAD.COM to you all! Yes, its a link directly here to the good ol' blog but really, thats what I need to pimp out all along anyway. You're gonna get a steady stream of thoughts and news right here. You'll get inside pics, sketches and pieces related to my comics, commissions and more. To the right are links to my online store, the comics I do, and all my various other places across the net where you can follow me. Stuff like Ustream, Youtube, Deviantart, etc. Then a direct look and links to my various appearances throughout the year. No switching to ten pages to see it. Its all right here on one convenient page!!!! Lastly, the last five years of blogs are all conveniently linked to the left for you to read through month by month. FIVE YEARS OF CONTENT!!!!!! Check them all out. I am still working on the podcast nation link so give me a couple days to finish building this site and reworking things. Appreciated.

Why am I linking this to my website? Well, I figured the idea for this new approach is simplicity and streamlining. Make the site a hub of entertainment. Managing 2-3 things instead of one is tough work. Cause I had to update the regular site, and all the pages with that with the HTML code, then do a blog, then a video, etc. This way, its all in one and much easier to manage. My time is so limited lately. And besides, I think this will be way more fun to do. I hope you all agree. I know everyone all enjoys my grumblings here at the blog... which is now my main hub website! I still own the domain to and that will not change. I am still the head idiot. that will never change. :)

Anyway, I thank all of you for checking out my old site and now I hope you are as excited as I am for what is to come. Thanks for looking folks! Its been five years that I've been rocking this blogger site. What a great way to celebrate that five years by making it my main deal! Hope to entertain you for many more years to come!

Cheers, T

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