Okay, a tad political today, but not intended so. Just want to post my thoughts on a couple social issues and my stance on them. First up, Marijuana.
I've probably smoked pot about less than 20 times in my life. If I had to take a drug test today, I'd pass with flying colors. No problem. I am not a "pot head" and likely never will be. I've done it with friends, recreationally, and it had its place and time. The jokes and culture around it is something I enjoy. From the jokes about "getting jazz music" cause you lit up. Or watching Cheech and Chong or Harold and Kumar. That kind of stuff. I dig it. But a hardcore smoker, I am not.
Since moving to Lansing, I saw a ton of Medical MJ dispenseries open and are now closed thanks to new legislation banning the private use of sale. Hell, I was amazed Medical MJ became legal in this state in the first place. And likely will get put back into limbo thanks to the new folks in charge. It is what it is. Here's my stance on it:
I am not against pot at all. I think if you privately use it (for medical or other reasons) in the privacy of your own home, then that should be fine. I do not think however that you should be able to drive a vehicle or be on the job under the influence of it. There's a time and place for everything. I think it should be fully legalized and TAXED. Balance the budget. Decriminalize and let people who want it, have it. Regulate it, sure. It just amazes me the type of "legal" drugs that are out there, synthetically made and stuffed full of all these chemicals and addictive additives and are proven to be harmful, but something that just grows is illegal. If you watch the history of MJ, especially in a documentary I watched called THE UNION, it really makes no sense why it is illegal. Alcohol, is legal... and VERY destructive. I know people who have died thanks to drunk drivers or alcohol poisoning. I don't know folks. I think more research is needed into the benefits of smoking it and the THC that is in it and what it can do for us. And the uses of hemp as paper, rope and other things should be creating jobs. Its a plant, it has grown here since the dawn of time. Seems like someone wanted it accessible to humans, eh? Just a thought.
ABORTION - I used to be hardcore pro-choice. But ever since becoming a father, I have a hard time really thinking that anymore. Definitely shouldn't be used as a means of consistant birth control. I heard about this new idea, where before you can get it done, you have to go to an ultrasound and hear the heartbeat. Believe me, that is a magical moment and it "feels real" in that moment. then maybe a week of contemplation and acceptance will make you realize that you actually do want that baby. Now certainly if it will cause harm to the mother, or in the case of rape, I am pro-abortion. But I am finding it harder to stay on the pro-choice side of things. I guess it still should be. But I don't have to like it. We can still get stem cells from penis circumcisions. But I still feel it is a woman's right to choose. If they can live with that decision. I am not sure I could.
GAY MARRIAGE - Now this one I have been and whole heartedly continue to be supportive of. I cannot think of any single sane reason why it hasn't been legalized in this country. Sanctity of marriage hasn't meant shit to a lot of people out there, so don't give me that. The under God stuff? I don't fall into that way of thinking. So thats out. I just don't get it. Its simple descrimination and it bums me out to no end. I will be a hardcore supporter of Gay Marriage until one day we evolve and wake up.
Again, these are all social issues and not the MAIN ISSUES that should be talked about in the coming election. But you can bet they will talk about them. You should research on both sides of the coins and see where you fall into thinking. And please, DON'T start emailing or messaging me on how I am wrong on this or that. These things are how I feel after researching and judging for myself. You can think I am wrong, and thats fine. Go blog about it. This is my platform and I just used it. You are welcome to use yours. But research it all first, please.
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