Tuesday, February 04, 2014

New Habits - Old Rants

I recently taught my son how to use my Mac and gave him his own side and password to log on. So every morning he gets up first thing and logs on to watch videos on Youtube and look at pics of things he likes on Google. Its been a great learning tool for him. However it ruins my old morning routine of using my own computer to check online things and start my day. I guess I have my iphone for that, until he decides to give up my beloved. But its still an adjustment and slightly annoying that I have to wait to use my own things!

Ever since starting this recent lifestyle change of eating better, I started drinking more coffee in the mornings. I sit at the kitchen table and take in a few cups while checking online stuff with my phone and just starting my day out catching up on everything. I started it around the time my dad went in the hospital. I felt it a fitting tribute because that was dad's routine. Dad would get up around 5am everyday and sit and drink a whole pot of coffee while he had the quiet time to himself at the table. He'd read his bible (back when we used to go to church... for me, that was 21 years ago) or he would break out the yellow notebook and do figures. What he was always doing with those figures is beyond me. He'd write out bills and do "What If" scenarios and figure them all out, financially. Always on yellow notepads. I use small yellow notepads everyday to make little notes in my office and write out lists. I got the habit from him. And now I got the sit at the table and drink coffee habit too. All in tribute to my dad.

He's doing much better, thankfully. I called him this morning. They say he might go home from the nursing home today. He's getting sharper everyday and seems to be well on the way to a complete recovery. Still a tad slurry here and there, but a lot better than when this all started. I'm extremely pleased with that. It was definitely scary there for a while. I'm waiting til the weather decides to remain consistent and I can trek down and see him. But I can't tell you what it meant to pick up the phone and call him for a quick casual call this morning. Just like I used to do for mom when she was alive. That's what I missed the most shortly after she died. I'd pick up the phone and start dialing and then that horrible feeling of  would set in. I'd remember she wasn't there and it was "oh yeah...she's dead." No worse feeling in the world than that. The helplessness. I just wasn't ready to feel that again. But thankfully I don't have to feel that today. Probably not for a long time to come. Cause I think my dad is gonna hang out here with me for a long time coming. It feels good to know that.

Again, I want to thank everyone for their messages, emails, calls, and more during this rough month we had. I really saw who my true friends were during this period and it meant the world to me. I took note of it all and I won't forget it. Thanks, my friends.

So here I sit today, trying out a new habit: Typing out a new blog at the kitchen table using (GULP) my wife's PC Laptop. I honestly hate it. I just don't like PCs for a plethora of reasons. I don't think this will take and stay a daily routine because I can't figure this damn thing out. Its constantly stopping and doing updates on me. I might have to save up and get a Mac laptop... just to make me feel normal. OR wait for me to get my beloved back everyday. OR get a newer Imac and give the kid the old one. That's inevitable anyway. Who knows. But for now I make do with what I got. PC or not.

The sun is out today and the snow is not as fierce. I look forward to spring because I am itching to toss a lot of crap out of this house. We got a ton of clothes and toys the kids don't use anymore and I'd love to make some room in here. I feel like moving furniture around and just making some changes for the better. New routines, new looks, new things to look at. I don't know what it is. I just feel like being a little different than my old self lately. I don't know why, but I like it!

(NOTE: As I was just typing now, this PC just shut down Firefox... so I had to re-log in and thankfully blogger saved everything I just typed. Yeah.. I HATE PC's!)

I think I am just ready for spring for more reasons than one. School is constantly cancelled and I had this bit where baby James would sleep from noon-4, and I could get work done. But with Scott's school constantly closed, my work load hasn't been getting done and stuff has been piling up. Thankfully the last couple nights I have stayed up later and got some writing done. My goal of getting the first draft of the sex store novel done by March is almost complete. I probably have a week's work of work to do on it. Then I'll edit it, add more, let some others read it and give feedback, refine again and then start pitching it to publishers. No way do I want to do this one myself unless I have no other choice. Just once I'd like the responsibility to get of me, and get my books into more stores.

(NOTE: At this point, Scotty gave me back my Mac and I have jumped from the crappy PC to my beloved. I shall type the rest of this post from there!)

AHHHHH... my old keyboard beneath my fingers and no constant interruptions! My beloved Mac! Well, as much as I am embracing change, some things I love just need to stay right the way they are! I type faster on this machine, too! If I was writing a book on that PC, you wouldn't see it until 2034!

Anyway, yes, I am progressing on the book and should have it done around the time I expect. I am hoping the rest falls into place as I need it to. Meanwhile, I am putting together the new MAYHEM book (expect a Kickstarter to launch for that soon!) and thinking ahead to what is next. I am still trying to find a way to get the files I need off these old zip discs and onto my Mac so I can reprint my old comics. I'm going to be doing more STARSLAM strips this week as well. I want all projects I have on my immediate plate done by the end of this year. My slate completely clear! (but of course I know what I want to do after that, so the slate will NEVER be clear!!!)

Progress. Change. Hey, the initials of that are P.C.! Whoa.

Okay this is the most rambling blog post ever concieved in all mankind. I better end it now and get back to actual work. Thanks for reading all of this my friends. I hope you make the progress and change in your daily lives as well. We all do. Change for the better and make the progress you know you have to make. Don't stop the train from rolling. Keep rockin' out!

Cheers, T

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