Monday, February 24, 2014

RIP EGON (Harold Ramis)

Ugh... this one hurts. This one fucking sucks.

Seems like every year there's at least one major death that really kills me and hits me in a personal place in my love of all things pop culture. Today is that day. Harold Ramis is gone.

I love his movies obviously. From Animal House, Vacation, Stripes, to others he has acted in. He even had a nice deleted scene in my fav. movie of all time, High Fidelity.

But the one thing that I always come to with Harold Ramis is EGON. My favorite Ghostbuster. So much so that when they released the super nice 12" figures a while back, I only bought one... EGON, of course! Spending over $60 for an action figure just isn't my style. But I did it for this one. Only this one. Cause it meant that much to me.

I still have it.

I bought an Xbox 360 only so I could play Ghostbusters on it. I loved the cartoon. I love the movies. I had all the toys as a kid. Egon was by far my favorite. He's smart and hopelessly and cluelessly funny. And Harold Ramis brought something to the character (and the script which he co-wrote) that just made me fall in love with it as a kid. And to this day, I am still a massive Ghostbusters fan. Top 5 fav. comedy of all time, Top 10 movie of all time, to me. 

There has been talk recently about a Ghostbusters 3. In fact, just yesterday I was listening to a Stern interview with Bill Murray from 2013 on youtube and he mentions it. And the whole time I'm thinking "I'd love to see more Egon, but it wouldn't be the same." They are older now. They would want to bring in a new, younger cast to carry the flick and the franchise. Fuck that. I never wanted to see that. And in a way, this pretty much cements that is not going to happen... not the same way anyway. I don't want to see that Ghostbusters movie. No fucking way. You can't top it.

But then again, maybe we woulda got lucky and it would have been exactly what we wanted. Maybe it woulda been like the last Rocky and Rambo movies and be surprisingly good. Who knows? But it is not going to happen now. The swan song for Ghostbusters will be the 360 game. And I'm fine with that. I'm fine with the memories.

Goddamn this one hurts. Thanks for all you gave us Harold Ramis. Another one of my childhood heroes, gone. 

May the ladies in the afterlife be ever interested in your Epididymis. And thanks for the work you left behind. That was a big twinkie.


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