Sunday, January 08, 2017

The Struggle State of my Being

Lazy New Year so far... for some!
Hello friends!

The days drift on by and I continue to work on the state of my being. And it is a constant struggle. I'm working on better diet habits. I'm working on trying to find a rhythm with my artwork. Tonight I finished inks on three pages for the upcoming horror comic anthology. The artwork is almost done and so I can move into post production with it all. Here's a peek:

Other than that, no new Starslam pages yet. I'm planning to sneak out this week and get some shit done. I really need to. I need that jumpstart!

Meanwhile, I'm doing a lot of this: 

 I've caught up with a lot of things I haven't seen. Like The Last Dragon, Labyrinth, Eat this Question (Zappa documentary), Queen of the Damned, etc. I've shown my girl some movies she hasn't seen like Rocky, Predator and Ed Wood. She loved them all as I knew she would. Both of us are just missing a few movies here and there in our checklist.

I'm enjoying watching them and I'm still working on the collection of discs, games and of course... MUSIC:

My new finds out in the wild this week!
All the CDs I've been getting I already have in my digital collection but I'm getting used expanded editions for my new CD shelf I got myself for my bday.

Speaking of bdays, today my dad turns 72. Its a real trip to think that my dad is 72. To me, he'll always be in his 40s or something like that. So weird to think that I'm older now that he was when I was born. He was 33. I turn 39 in a couple weeks. Its so surreal. Anyway, I hope I can get away some weekend and travel down to see him again. I know for the next three months I am going to be on mad overtime at the day job and I need it to save up for this year. I got some massive things coming up. Trips, a move, etc. So much to do...

I'm working hard to make better decisions for my health, both physical and mental. Continue to bare with me as I sort it all out. I hope to be completely cured by the time I'm 40. That's how it all works, right? Wave the magic wand and you're all sorted and fixed? Eh, not quite. But hell, I'm ok. I got good things rolling and I get a shot at waking up again tomorrow.

Tonight I did some drawing, a podcast and a new blog. Now I'm gonna sip some drinks and celebrate my life. Every day is a celebration. Enjoy the gifts you got and have earned. Onward and upward.

In the end, there is no struggle to my being, except the struggle I give to myself. We all have the keys to our own vehicle. How we maintain that vehicle and take care of it and where we go with it... thats up to us.


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