Sunday, November 18, 2018

Moving Forward

Had a productive day yesterday. Scanned about 36 pages of various artwork I had laying around and then digitally cleaned up all of it. I sent all 20 pages of the STARSLAM BONUS STORY to my colorist. So that is done. Finally. Whew! Guess I won't be drawing her for a while. But she is forever on my mind. Cause look what I wrote out this morning: 

Yes, I took the notes I have been accumulating in sketchbooks and on my phone notes and wrote out the outline. This includes scene breakdowns, new character descriptions, some dialog and everything. This is what I do for every comic I make. I write out notes. Sit on it. Write an outline. Sit on it. Revise. then work on it. Revise while working on it. Etc etc etc. But the first MAJOR step is done on it. I have a story completed, characters in place and its in the pipeline. 
Of course I have some things to finish up first. PLEASANT LIFE 2 comes first. And as you have seen in previous postings, I am well into it. I need to get this book done, folks. I mean it. You have no idea what it means for me to get that book completed. 
Then looking ahead, I got the DOE standalone book and STARSLAM 4. And you know what, I got a few other things in the TO DO list as well. Of course there are three written novels, another EROTIC ZONE collection, the 25th ANNIVERSARY OLD COMICS collection, the long awaited WISE INTELLIGENCE collection and yes, even ANNA POCALYPSE 2! I plan to make ANNA POCALYPSE 2 an exclusive to the Patreon and release it in spurts. I have about 60 pages done and have been sitting scanned on my harddrive waiting for colors for years now. I should finish the damn thing. I was going to abandon it but shit... why lose all that work? Why not let them folks take a look!Are you even on my Patreon??? You are missing out! 

Join my Patreon right here:
Also for Patreon, I am about three stories ahead right now. I need to do a couple more to stay ahead and then I will be pretty happy. I also got the IDIOTHEAD MUSIC stuff I am planning and other things I am chasing the whimsy on. Now that I got the STARSLAM 3 stuff off my plate mostly, I can focus on these things. Its an exciting time! 
I quit Facebook in an effort to stay focused and get this shit going. I'm committed folks. I really am. Stick with me and we'll make it happen! Always moving forward! Always. 
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