Hey friends.
I used to be more prolific at my writing/blogging. I am going to try to ramp it up like I used to. I usually write the most on my PATREON PAGE, but I try to give some love everywhere I am located online. I hope you missed me.
Life has been busy. Constant working. Weekends busy with this or that or family. I got my proof back for my new book: LATE NIGHT SHORTS. So the green light is on to print the rest. I should have the books back here at the ranch in a couple weeks and they will be mailed straight to those who ordered them. I don't sell them online anymore, but you can get digital copies of that and my other books on my gumroad page right HERE.
Also did you know I still do the IDIOTHEAD MORNING SHOW PODCAST? Free to download wherever you get your podcasts. Log in and download em. And please if you get them on the Apple Podcast app, rate me 5 stars and drop a review in there. Helps with my numbers, gets eyes on what I am doing. I appreciate it.
I took the time to watch my favorite movie this week, that being HIGH FIDELITY.
Yes, that is my favorite movie of all time, for several reasons. Perhaps its worth a podcast discussion in the future, but I feel so at home when that movie is on. I discovered it back in college and was so connected with it, that it quickly shot up to the top spot of my favorite movie of all time. Number One with a bullet. I'm glad to see that every time I revisit it, it still holds the same magic.
There's a lot of cool new stuff coming out all the time but always take time to revisit your favorites!
College was a great time for me. I was more into painting back then too. That all stopped when I graduated 15 years ago. Recently I got into some acrylics to paint mini paintings for an art show. It was a lot of fun to do! I desire to paint even more and push myself to go more abstract in painting and in drawing. I watched a documentary on Basquiat the other day (I'm such a fan of his). It inspires me to chase the whimsy to paint more. Maybe they will be shit and derivative of this or that person and most likely never sell. But I don't care about that. I just want to express myself before I croak. Maybe my kids will want to toss one of them on their future home's walls. Who knows?
Also back in college, I used to read myself to sleep almost every night. That changed in my thirties. But lately, it I have been developing an addiction to buying even more used and new books than I have carried with me over my 41 years. I began my obsession with Harlan Ellison about five years ago and it really ramped up last year after he died.
A dear friend of mine bought me a couple more of his books as a gift and slowly I've been picking up more and more of his stuff. I've become addicted to him, essentially. I've watched a ton of his stuff on Youtube and I keep collecting and reading. I finished HORNBOOK and MEMOS FROM PURGATORY this week, as well as a bio book on him called A LIT FUSE. Now I am busy reading his book, GENTLEMEN JUNKIE and HARLAN ELLISON'S WATCHING at night. After that I have about eight more of his books lined up next. Yeah, obsessed.
All this has me thinking a lot about finally finishing these little personal projects I'd like to do. Like the novels I keep talking about finishing. I have three about 75% done, and a ton of notes on a new fiction one. I want to publish them. I am really planning to have one of them done and out by the end of the year, in addition to the two comic graphic novels I want to release. STARSLAM 4 and PLEASANT LIFE 2. I have plans even beyond that... including continuing the monthly erotica stories at the PATREON, including two new erotica comics I will sporadically post there. I have no shortage of ideas.
What I am short on mostly is time. Time to do what and to pick what to do. I have my usual online doings and things I do for the business, also freelance work, commissions, etc to consider as well. I have desires to write more, paint more, do model kits again and go beyond these things. I guess depending on the day you ask me, I would gladly say that I do see an end to me doing illustration work. Not today, but sometime. But then its on to another form of creating and expression. I will never stop doing that. That is who I am.
Music, movies, writers, art... it all inspires me so much.
Since discovering CBD oil, my depression issues have been held at bay. I've cleared a lot of toxicity out of my life. I have a bad day once in a while, but not near as bad as I used to. Things are better and I have great things to look forward to. I'm happy with how things are going. Even while I'm still in the thick of it all, lots of stuff to juggle still, lots of things around to make me angry... I'm still making it happen.
Here's to us all continuing to chase the whimsies. Stay sane, my friends.
(Side note: I read that they are doing a HIGH FIDELITY remake/reboot with an all female cast. I'm not sure I will connect with it like I did this one, due to the times changing. But hey, hope springs eternal. Maybe it will be good. Who knows.)
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