Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Union, really.

Been meaning to drop some politics in my blog for a while.

I dunno man. Seems since Obama winning in late 2008 up till the day after his election, all of America were talking about hope, change, and that he was some sort of wizard or angel of peace sent from heaven to save us. But he reminded us that he's just a man and he makes mistakes and it will take a long time to get there.

But somewhere in the special commemorative plates, Obama on the cover of Spiderman and twenty other comic books, special commemorative blah blah this or that things, he was built up into a demi-god. I think people could even say that they might have saw him as the coming of Jesus, rather than the Anti-Christ that some in the beginning were spweing out.

Well, after the realization that no ONE MAN can save us and our problems, we turn on him. His polls have dropped, people talk crap about him. But I mean, whats the real deal here? Its not him! Its us. Its Rep vs. Democrats. Same old stuff. Nothing can get done or talked about. Only this time, there's a deep rooted lack of respect. Remember that Senator who yelled out "you lie" during the speech at the congress to the president? Thats never happened before. Its just disgusting how this is unfolding.

Everyone was against the bailout. Sure it sucked, but it was a necessary evil. Think the job market sucks now? You wouldn't believe how bad it woulda got if a quick bandaid wasn't put on it. Its like as if you are in debt, and your car breaks down. you whip out the credit card to fix it. Yeah, now you are deeper in debt, but at least you can still have a car to go to work and pay off what you owe collectively. Cause if you didn't have a car, you'd be totally fucked.

I'll admit that the healthcare thing has my head spinning. I think we do need some sort of universal thing. Cause every other country worth their salt has something like that. How come we cannot? People need it and people are dying without it. But perhaps such big and broad concepts were too much for us.

To me, Obama isn't a god. He's made mistakes and done things I don't agree with. For example, he said he wasn't going to sign a bill regaurding gay marriage, but he did. And that pissed me off. But still, I'm just letting the man have a chance and change. It takes time to build things, and a second to wreck it. We've spent enough time wrecking things, so why not try to build it instead of arguing what materials we should build it with?

No folks. Obama isn't a savior. He's just a man. And dammit he's trying hard. Just be patient. I know it sucks with the job market being the worst it has been, but its better than it was in the beginning of 2009. We're starting to turn the boat around. We all need to pitch in. Time and tide folks. No one's gonna save you. Only you can help turn that ship around. And before you doom someone with your words to fail, just take a second to think of what is the greater good for all. Think about connecting, creating and learning.

Give it time.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

The real problem I have is that Obama (and his fellow politicians) want to see government involvement as the solution. You are right that it is up to us - the public - to bring about the change - Not Obama. In my opinion, we need less government and more public taking responsibility. Trouble is, the politicians depend on government and want to see it grow. As as we continue letting them "rescue" us, they will continue getting in our way. Politicians will promise the moon and stars in order to get elected, and it's our fault for believing them.