Monday, February 01, 2010

2010 in a nutshell.

Very positive response from my business card! Glad I finally did something right! ;)

Well, I thought I'd put a note out about my 2010 plans, goals and wishes. Things upcoming and things I hope to come:

Feb-March--Release 2010 Sketchbook and Anna Pocalypse #1. Sales are sorta so-so with the preorder right now. But thats okay. I'll get enough to last me through the convention year. And depending on how the first book does, I'll either release 1-3 as comic issues, or just collect what would be 2-3 and make it a tradebook. Sales of the first issue will show which way that will go.

May--My triumphant return to MOTOR CITY CON! They are treating me AWESOME this year! I got to pick my table spot, and do artwork for the program guide. I also may be on a panel as well. Also they have put up a nice pic and graphic for me and a link to the site. is awesome! Very much looking forward to my return there.

June--Heroes Con. My second year there. Splitting a room with my pals. Looking forward to that show again. Hopefully I won't get sick like I was last time.

Sept/October--Dallas Con. Still not 100% sure whats gonna happen with this, but I would like this to be my "new" show for the year. I try to do one new show every year. Texas is someplace I have never been, so I am looking forward to checking it out.



1-Sketch Card gig--I keep trying to send in samples and I never hear anything back. I hope that my persistance can land me a job or I will keep pestering them till it does!

2-Company help--I will be submitting ANNA to a few companies this year. I hope some company picks it up and helps me get it into the stores.

3-Sales high--I intend to continue this trend of making my money back at each show. Word!

4-New artwork sales/ideas--I'm embracing some avenues that I've never considered before. Both locally and on the web. I am also gonna start painting again. Looking forward to selling some oil paintings!

So, look out world, here I come!


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