Thursday, March 11, 2010

THE WORST of TNG list:

For the Trek fans again: the WORST of TNG:

5- RASCALS - O'Brian's a Pedo. So it goes, a transporter malfunction turns some of the crew into 12-14 year old versions of themselves. Newly married Chief Obrian and his wife Kieko have to learn how to deal with their sudden age difference. Just disturbing. I think O'brian handles the change with the appropriate freak out. But... Still.. Nah, nevermind. Not going there.

4- UP THE LONG LADDER - Irish bitch is more horny than Riker. A few minutes ago this Irish bitch is yelling and screaming and bitching out everyone on the holodeck, including the crew of the Enterprise for HELPING her people out. But, she does manage to convince Riker to take her back his room, where she drops her drawers and throws herself at him. And of course, he takes it. Just disturbing to watch really. Unsexy bitch she is, cause her attitude is for shit.

3- THE LOSS - Mrs. Buttinsky wigs out BIG TIME! The Enterprise is caught in some sort of alien pathway through space and for a little while Troi loses her empathic powers. And what does she do? She turns into a ROYAL BITCH! She snaps at everyone and barely apologizes for it later when things are put back to normal. Yet another reason why I hate the character of Deanna Troi.

2- MAN OF THE PEOPLE - Troi sucks off random crewmembers. Possessed by the "evil" feelings of a visiting diplomat, Troi starts freaking out at everyone and then decides to start fucking random crew members. Riker walks in and he catches them post coitus. The thing he's mad about? That it wasn't him, natch.

1- HIDE AND Q - In the early seasons, the word "sex" was tossed around alot, at the insistance of Gene Roddenberry. In this episode, Riker gets the power of the Q and attempts to give each of the crew something he thinks they want. Geordi gets eyesight, Wesley grows up, etc. Worf, gets companionship and we get our first look at a horny, slutty Klingon woman. And Worf hasn't seen action in eons. What does he do? He screams in refusal! Cut to years later, he's knocking around and brusing his trill wife Dax. And even some Klingon women make passes at him and he accepts in the same "Klingon" way. Long gone is the virgin bridge boy from season one. And the dumbest dialog in Trek history: Geordi: "Worf, is this your idea of sex?" Worf: "This is sex. THIS IS FROM A WORLD NOW ALIEN TO ME!" Turning down a sure thing Worf? Idiot.


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