Thursday, May 13, 2010

MOTOR CITY THIS WEEKEND and plans after!

Its here! Tomorrow begins the MOTOR CITY COMIC CON 2010! And once again, I shall be there in artist alley rockin' and rollin! Come on out and see me and all my artist buddies, too long of a list to recite here. Just go to motor city website for info on who, how and when!

Also, I recorded a special podcast with a couple artist buddies who will be out there at the show with me. Download that show HERE

I will have ANNA #1, 201 Sketchbooks, Pleasant Life trades, Original Art, new prints, and the wife will be selling her CHARM BRACELETS she made! (so bring the ladies!!!!) I also will be taking commissions and sketch card requests. I charge dirt cheap for commissions so please, come on out and take advantage of me! I'll also have the wife and kid out so come visit! Motor City is a special show for me because I cut my teeth on that show in 2002 and it was the first con I ever went to back in 1995. So me and the show have a long history. I've done the show six times in the last 8 years. I love coming back and seeing the hometown crowd each year. Looking forward to a weekend of huge fun!


The day after we return from the show, we move into our new place. Unfortunately the way its looking, I will have to do the bulk of the moving myself that monday while the wife is at work. Hopefully we can get a baby sitter for the bots so I can get to work on it. Really, I am pumped to just get my life back in order. I boxed up alot of it back in March when it was a possibility that APRIL was our move in month. But we kept waiting and waiting. And now its come. So just gotta survive the weekend and the physical moving of things. Me being severely out of shape don't help much. But I intend to rock it and get it done. Fight through the pain and just get on with it. But wish me luck all the same.

Anyway, looking forward to a fun weekend with the family and my other family. Time to rock 2010 baby!


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