Wednesday, June 02, 2010

HEROES CON pre-game Vol 2!

Well folks, this weekend is the great HEROES CON. I'm really looking forward to a vacation hanging with muh pals and just enjoying the hell out of being a part of it all. All else is second. But thats not to say that I ain't coming loaded for bare with things to sell! I will have ANNA POCALYPSE #1 issues, as well as PLEASANT LIFE trades and the last ten copies of my 2010 SKETCHBOOK! (Once those are gone, no more reprinting!) Also, the wife has done more CHARM BRACELETS. Those went over extremely well at Motor City, so she made more!! And I will be bringing a bunch of original art, both old and newer, adult and regular fan art type of stuff. And lastly, my world famous matted prints!!!!! Including this newbie:

How this came about is interesting. I was napping on our couch and dreamed I drew this. I woke up and immediately sketched it out and it looked exactly like how I dreamed it. Its rare something like that connects for me in that odd of a way. I already shared it on my deviantart and have got quite a few people adding it to their "favorites" lists! Thanks folks! I strive to be #1 in FAMILY GUY fan art stuff! (Seth McFarlane, I need a job please!)

I was working on three different concepts for the art auction, all of which I wasn't happy with ultimately. Like the one in the blog post before. Wonder Woman is way too small and Zatanna's hat is too huge. So I opted to go with another one I got around here already, and maybe even the ANNA POCALYPSE #1 cover. We'll see what they think. But unlike last year, I'm not gonna let what happens effect me. I'm just going to have a good time. I look forward to long talks, drinking, nice eats, industry smack, practical jokes and memories that will last me the rest of the year while I am holed up in my man cave creating 2011's work!

So please come on out to HEROES CON. Website is: HERE and I will be at table #340. Come on out! Its a great show!

In other news, I negelected to mention here in blogland that on the newest edition of Word Balloons "THE BENDIS TAPES" that they both went to my website and gave it a "thumbs up!" And also tossed out some great advice for indie comic publishers. Thanks alot to Brian Michael Bendis and John for taking the time to answer my questions and even PLUGGING my site on the show! For those that trekked over here as a result, welcome!

Lastly for those wanting updates on art: I haven't gotten to any pages as a result of the long move process and me having to work a crap ton of shifts over the Memorial Day holiday. But I did do some more original art pieces that I will have for sale at HEROES. Come on by and see! When I get back, I will finish pencils on EXPENDABLES #3 and colors on ANNA #2 and get it to the printer in time for DALLAS COMIC CON in August. There's a lot of blood in this second issue, I'll say that. Also check out my ustream channel to see me color live or in recorded segments.

Cheers ya'll! See ya in Charlotte!!! Its gonna rock!


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