Friday, September 03, 2010

I'm back bitches!!!!!

thats right. I'm reporting live from my good ol' trusty imac that went kaput this last week or two. Oh yeah! Booyah! Anyway, here's the skinny:

My hard drive for some reason decided to take a poop on me. Luckily it went sorta gradually and I was able to pull off all my comic book work files and things from it and save it all onto a DVD. If I wasn't able to do that, it would have been a MAJOR disaster!!!! But luckily, we're in business. So after making a few public calls for help, an old friend of Kelly's stepped up to the plate and knocked it out of the park, into the next park and out of that one as well! My homie Eric was in the area visiting friends today and is a computer tech guy by profession. He got me a new Hard Drive (a larger one mind you) and we took my precious (MY PRECIOUS!) apart....

We got the old HD out and put the new one in with relatively no problem. and I watched closely enough that if it happens again, I'll can mostly remember how to do it. It wasn't long before I was back up and running with all the latest updates and all that cal. I installed my CS3 Photoshop successfully. Went to install QUARK 7, and it mega crashed on me. Freaked me out. Eric graciously came back and through some sleuthing found out that Snow Leopard, which I run on, does not support QUARK 7 at all.

Let me explain: QUARK is the graphics layout program I am used to from the old newspaper days. Yeah, its an archaic program, but it had all my templates I was used to, and all the short keys I knew. I have been building my comics in Quark since I started out. Well, now I am without it. And I am not going to drop another $400-1,000 for QUARK 8. I was able to obtain CS5 and ILLUSTRATOR/IN DESIGN with it. Plus some other programs. So I guess its time to start anew and learn some new tricks. I played with In Design a bit today and seems okay. I got a pal that is pretty well versed in In Design that is gonna come and show me the ropes a bit possibly next week. And perhaps there are online videos and tutorials on how to use it. Its been a looooooooong damn while since I've seen it.

So give me time to catch up on work before I can start to rebuild my old files and make NEW templates and start ANNA tradebook off right! Its gonna take some doing, but thats what we are here for, right? :) The important thing is that I am back in the saddle as far as my computer goes. Itunes is running good (although I lost all my TV/Movies I downloaded via the store cause I didn't have a backup for those!) and I cannot complain. It certainly could have been worse. A hearty hell yeah of a thank you to Eric for kicking ass for me. Appreciated sir!!!

In other news, I scored more commissions and have been working on them this week. Also been cleaning house and selling stuff on ebay. I'll sell some more stuff soon and I'll post and let ya'll know about it.

Lastly, this past Wednesday was my son Scott's second birthday! Here's a pic of him with chocolate cake on his face!

Thanks for reading! Now its off to watch some tutorials with me! I got a crapload to catch up on!!!


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