Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Thoughts part 65...

Hey everyone! Hope all is well.

Today is the Scott Bot's 2nd birthday. What an weird two years it has been. I just spent some time re-reading the entire month of September 2008 on my blog here. Remembering and laughing. Man that was a time of complete ups and downs. The ups of having the kid be born. The downs of the porn shop job troubles and extended hospital stays cause of Lakeland Hospital's fuck ups. So much can happen in a month. Hell, two years!

In two years' time I've got to watch him grow, I lost my job and got a part time one, and traveled to more places than ever before with my comics. I've also increased sales and production on my work.

In life I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Even bad things. Good comes out of bad, always. And just like two years ago, this month we have had our share of challenges as well. A lot of situations and things are up in the air and left to chance. Such is the game of life. The only constant I do have in my life is my love for my family, friends and my craft. Its all I have in this world. Its all I care about. I wish I could go back and tell myself two years ago that I would be okay, and what a great two years it would be for me after that. Just like I wish the future me could do the same for me right now. I could use the encouragement.

But come what may, I face it with eyes wide open to accept it. You can't hold me down, bitches!

Well, this week I have been working on artwork pretty hardcore. I got nine new ANNA pages ready to copy and scan when my MAC returns to fully operational status by this weekend. I also got rehired by a beloved client who really digs my work and invests a lot into it. Mucho Appreciation for that!!! I am in the home stretch on ANNA pages. Maybe three more to go and the book is done. Then I can concentrate on assembling the artbook and then start the new comic property! If all goes well, Anna will be done by Xmas, the Artbook and new comic property by early 2011. Word.

Such is my stupid little life. Very exciting and full. I wouldn't change a day of it. I can see that I am way happier and better off than I was two years ago. Happy birthday Scotty. I'm proud of you and you brighten my mornings! (But would it kill you to stay out of my comic boxes and not pull books off my shelf just ONE day out of the week? lol!)


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