Thursday, October 28, 2010

Excitement ahead.

No, its not tentacle porn. Its a quick sketch I did of Pleasant Life's "Kelly" being chased by evil plantlife.

Its coming close. Can you feel it? I am mere days away from life altering changes baby! I cannot wait to start it all. I wish it were happening right now. Well, here's how my week is gonna roll...

Today: Last minute packing for Detroit Fanfare, drawing and playing with the bots.

Friday: More drawing, hanging out with the wife and kid. Ted arrives later in the day.

Saturday: Take off around 6am for Dearborn and set up at the show. Do my thang and then party it up that night.

Sunday: Do the show and head home. Do last minute packing for good. Unhook the net.

Monday: Pick up truck at 7am, load up no later than noon (hopefully way earlier than that), clean old place, turn in keys, head to Lansing. Meet up with friends at new place and unload. Find my parents who will be arriving there as well and start unpacking and sorting after dropping off the Uhaul.

Tuesday: Cable guy comes at 10am to set up cable and internet. I will be back online at that point.

And for that day and the rest of the week, just unpack, put the stuff away. And thats my favorite part of moving. Deciding where my stuff will go, what will be out and how it will all look. Then we are also going out to find a new coffeetable and maybe a new kitchen table set. My parents are gonna be hanging with us there till Friday next week. Looking forward to seeing them as well.

So--BUSY time! These next two days are the great calm before the storm. Wish me luck and I promise to take pics, maybe some video of my entire week. I probably won't blog again till next week. Just keep an eye on my twitter account ( and FB, natch. and if you are in the area... COME OUT TO DETROIT FANFARE!!!!! It will be a great fucking time. I hope to sell like mad. Its gonna rock. Me am pumped.

Anyway, take care folks. Hope you have as great a weekend as I will!

Cheers, T

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