Wednesday, March 28, 2012


(What I am listening to currently: Bobby Womack Hits, Transatlantic's "Stranger in your Soul," Jimi Hendrix Experience and the new Van Halen.)


I get up at 9am hearing the bots kicking the bedroom door. I sum up that the wife obviously got up with him earlier and must have took a nap on the couch, leaving bots to kick me awake. Eventually he stops and I hear the wife playing with him, so I go back to sleep. I wake up at 11:30 and the family is itching to get out of the house. We go to Five Guys (I eat bad, but decently, DIET STILL IN PLACE!!!) and then head to Best Buy to price out Ipod Touches. I’m into getting the Bots one so he quits using our Phones and my Ipad. He’s real into learning game apps right now and its only fair that he has one to use. We try a couple places trying to find a used one but really don’t get a good deal. Defeated, we head to Pet Smart and I get a couple new fish (Finally!). I get home, change water and add all the stuff needed and 20 minutes later, add the new fish to their new home. It’s a couple Dalmation tropical fish. Black and white spotted. We name them “Oreo” and “Flurry” cause that’s what they look like. I check email and update the blog, sipping on water as the family veg out to some TV.
The wife wakes up three hours later and we all sorta lounge on the couch watching Family Guy and South Park ON DEMAND. Then I start to get sleepy around 9:30, to which the wife puts the kid to bed and we fall asleep in the bedroom to AVGN discs as always. I wake up around midnight and get a drink and doodle on my phone for a half hour and then fall back asleep around 2:30.


I wake up at 6:40 with the wife asking me to get up with the kid. I argue that I have to work this morning to which she gets up. Feeling guilty, I get up too and feed the fish/see how the new ones are coping. All seem happy and healthy. The new ones are getting along with George and Gracie it seems. The wife readies the kid and I go back to sleep. I am woke up at 9:10 by the door alarm and I get up to buzz whoever it is in. It’s the UPS guy dropping off my MARS ATTACKS! Sketch card blanks and contract. So it is official: I am a sketch card artist on the MARS ATTACKS 50th Anniversary set from TOPPS! I am honored and flattered to be a part of it and its proud history. I stay up and check internet shit before I have to leave for work shift. 10am-6pm. I make a few displays and move some things around. Perhaps the first time ever while working there that I felt useful and my ideas were heard. That’s a credit to the new manager. I like it!
I get home and let the wife get to sleep immediately. I check email and catch up with the day’s news and post some anti-Rick Santorum smack. Then I start doodling on some Walking Dead Sketch Cards and toss emails out to people on business. I get about 4-5 cards in and I get sleepy. So I pass out around 1am alone.


I hate it when Kelly isn’t here cause I usually never sleep good alone. But I was out like a light all night, thank the Lords of Kobol. I wake up to my alarms at 6:55 to get the kid on the bus. My dad texts and calls me to catch up as I get him ready and I get him on the bus at 7:27. I update blog and check online shit till around 7:50 and then lay back down, texting the wife while I do. She gets out and we opt for Denny’s Breakfast. We eat and I drag my ass to work. I am early so I sit in the parking lot listening to songs I like to pump me up and wake me up. Nothing works until I hit my favorite song, “Stranger in your Soul” by Transatlantic. Instantly I feel great and ready to start the day. I punch in and work till 5.
Anxious to get out, I text the wife plans for dinner and she is excited to finally get some sleep for her night shift to come. Naturally, my co-worker replacement is 20 minutes late. So I struggle through the 5:00 rush traffic a tad late and grab dinner for us all and get home. We eat and the wife goes to sleep. I barricade her in (long story) and occupy the bots. I do happen to doze off on the couch for almost an hour. Then I get up and put bots in the bath. An hour later, he’s snoring on the couch and I put him to bed and check email. I go wake up the wife (HUBBA HUBBA!) and she goes to work. Lee has cancelled Sabo again so I decide to stay up by myself listening to music and penciling on more sketch cards. Walters calls me and we talk for an hour. Then I decided to stop for the night and watch Resevior Dogs for the first time in almost 15 years. Still good. The wife calls to tell me that her Walgreens was robbed but everyone is okay. I shit my pants but then eventually fall asleep around 1am.

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