Sunday, April 07, 2013

Goings On

Hey folks! Just a general update as to whats been new. A lot actually. I've got over 7 commissions this week and majority are not erotica based (amazingly enough!). Hey, I love drawing boobs as much as the next guy but even I need a break from it at times! A lot of interest came my way thanks to the LEAF BEST OF HOCKEY cards. I gotta think the extra emails and recent spike in traffic to the site is thanks to that. If you are new here, I appreciate you stopping by. If you liked my work on the cards, I do take commissions:

8x11 B&W 1-4 Characters for $20. Add $10 for color.

11x17 B&W 1-3 Characters for $40. Add $10 for color.

If interested in a commission, EMAIL ME HERE and we can discuss. And if you want nudes drawn, I certainly ain't opposed to it! Thanks!


I will be returning to MOTOR CITY COMIC CON but I will only be there Saturday, May 18th. I will be set up at my buddy BRETT PINSON's table in efforts to promote the EXPENDABLES tradebook and 4th issue. However I will take commissions and sell some TALES OF SEQUENTIAL MAYHEM books there. I might even have some of my sketch cards there so come on out for that! Remember, I will only be there that Saturday. Thanks!


I got an official invite for FREE COMIC BOOK DAY. I will be at Clem's Comics in Downtown Lansing again this year on May 4th. I will be doing free sketches for kids 12 and under. I will have prints, cards, comics and more. Make plans to come see me. I think that appearance, the one day at Motor City Con and the August Wizard Comic Con show are the only appearances I am making, so make plans now, m'kay?


To those interested in my Hockey Card APs, they are all sold! Thanks to those who purchased them! I needed the cash so I cut some deals. Very much appreciated. I still have some APs available for other sets I did including 4 blanks from CULT-STUFF that can be used for either DRACULA, BURLESQUE, TITANIC or SHERLOCK HOLMES. And I got some UNSTOPPABLE CARDS APs, one is NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD and the others are 3 blanks for the FANTASY ART set. If interested in those, EMAIL ME and we can discuss. I am asking $10 per card plus some shipping, just to blow them out and get them off of me. Thanks!


For those of you who are over 18 and love erotica comics, don't forget my ADULT WEBCOMICS PAGE featuring my two webstrips: STARSLAM (Superhero parody/erotica) and PORN WORLD WEEKLY (comedy strip), also EROTIC FICTION and nude art gallery! I will be uploading some more stories this week to that page and STARSLAM updates every Monday. Please keep coming back and checking those out!


Progress on comics: I inked some of ANNA POCALYPSE 2 last week and scanned some pages. Also started working on 4 more STARSLAM strips that are a little further ahead than where I am now. I also colored the cover to the EXPENDABLES tradebook, collecting the series. Hopefully thats out by con time. I hope to work on more STARSLAM and new PWW strips this week. Those are top priority over ANNA, to keep ahead.


Are you listening to the MORNING SHOW on Itunes? Just do a search for Idiothead on Itunes and find it under PODCASTS. Its got my face with a coffee cup on it. Subscribe, download and enjoy. Its FREE! Or sign up with and stream it/download it from there. Please leave me some feedback on either site. It helps grab me advertisers and helps my rating go up! Appreciated!


Card Sets I am currently working on: Sherlock Holmes 2, Civil War, Contemporary Pinups. I might have more in the future, stay tuned! And thanks to those companies who keep bringing me back on. I love ya!


As for personal life and new stuff watched, I really haven't done much. Been busy with the kids. The baby James has been getting up all hours of the night and mucking up my sleep quite a bit. Bots has his own thing going. I had my oldest son here for a week and I didn't get much done then either. The only new flick I sat down to watch was "ITS A MAD MAD MAD MAD WORLD." I've never seen it before. I quite liked it. I got a bunch of newer stuff on Netflix that I haven't seen, so I hope to catch up with some of it at some point. Maybe today while I'm doing my crap. We'll see. Not up to me. I love on Bots and Jimmy time here! (DAMMIT JIM!)

Anyway, I guess thats all I got for now. Thanks for continuing to come back and read/listen to and check out my shit. I appreciate it!!

Cheers, T

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