Friday, July 26, 2013

Movie Marathon

Hey folks. Packed up for Wizard World Chicago already! I'm about 13 days and a wake up from going to the show. I can't wait to get outta dodge, let me assure you. I need a break. I love my kids, but they are driving me nuts! Plus I really feel the drive to get my head back in the game a bit. Been gone too long. It was scary cause I was so burned out for a while. But something helped me turn it back around. I guess the San Diego Comic Con goings on was part of it. Plus the desire just to hit a show and be with "my people." And my friend Brian is coming too, and I haven't seen him in four years. That will be great. I think overall, I'm just excited to show off my new stuff and get things rockin' in the windy city. Been gone too long. Plus, I've presold some nice commissions for people, so my appearance is something people are looking forward to. Thats a first for me! WOW!

I am flattered that ya'll appreciate my work that much. And I can't wait to show you what I've been working on when I get there! I am hoping I'll have my Star Wars return cards back in time to bring them with me. We'll see I guess. but I got new prints, a new tradebook, print cards and original art pieces to sell. Plus I am taking commissions at the show! Get excited, folks! Its gonna be awesomesauce! And its a busy week too! My parents are coming up for a visit and to help with the kids while the wife opens her new store job at Five Below. And I am seeing Black Sabbath with my pal Matt that Tuesday. Then Wizard World Con! Busy week, and I am looking forward to it!

The wife has had trouble with anxiety attacks the last couple years. Once she feared she was having a heart attack while driving and she went via ambulance to the E.R. She tried jumping off her meds and it seemed okay for a while, but she's sort fo back to where she was before. Every night she's got this fear that she's getting worse. So anything to distract her mind off of the feeling is a good thing. So I decided yesterday to hit the used dvd store and get some movies for some movie marathons. We never get to leave the house cause of no babysitter and sometimes the kids get to be a handfull. So we never take time for OURSELVES. Back in the day, we used to rent and go to the movies all the time. Somewhere along the way, we lost the time to do that. To rent something shitty or awesome and watch it together. We keep seeing movies or shows we want to see but keep putting it off cause of lack of time. OR we buy it, never get to watch it, and then sell it when we need extra scratch.

Well, last night I bought 12 new flicks. Well, 16 if you count the Tremors 4 pack. Some of the movies I have seen, some I havent. But the advantage of buying a dvd for $2.22 at the local used disc place is too good to pass up, especially when every 6th disc is free. So I bought the first 6 Harry Potter films. We watched the first 3 about 9 years ago, but I don't remember them much. I've always wanted to sit down and have a marathon of them. We watched the first one last night. Yeah, we have to sit through and try to hear it through our son Scott's constant babbling and noise, but its still a good thing to do together. I hope it helps her anxiety in the long run.

I've been desiring watching more movies and reading more books lately. It fills my creative juices, thats for sure. I've also wanted to get another Xbox360 and play the games I never got to finish, plus new ones I never tried. I planned on doing this all on a sabbattical. But I don't know if that is going to happen, as I keep getting paid work. And with the financial shit we're dealing with right now, I can't walk away from paid work. So I guess I'll just push through and hit my 20 year mark and release all the books I want to next year... but still take a day or two for me and the wife to enjoy some flicks. I guess thats the good idea. For now. :)

Anyway, tons of shit to do. Life never stops for me. Gotta keep rockin' and rollin.' thanks for checking back with me and thanks for supporting my work. Much love,


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