Saturday, September 23, 2006

A glimpse of the future.....


I ended up having to stay till almost 6am at the newspaper cause a job wasn't complete! So when I got home, I was dog ass tired! So, I passed out and got an hour of sleep. Kelly wakes me up an hour later to take her to work. I get up, and take her and head back to my tomb to sleep till the afternoon.

I awake at 3:40pm! and the wife calls to double check that I am still alive. I drive to pick her up, stopping off at Meijer for a card and flowers (they were out of baby baskets that said "its a boy!" Apparently, its only a GIRLS birth day.) We head for K-zoo.

We arrive in K-zoo around 7pm and find the hospital and visit Shane and Sara. I finally learn the name: EVAN ALLEN LOGAN. I even got to hold him for a bit. I've never held a baby before, not even my own. (long story). I was moved to tears at how cute he was. I couldn't help but think of all the cool things that will come in his life. Shane and Sara are very loving and gifted people. Sara will no doubt have an artistic influence and shower Evan with her love as any great mom would. She will be an amazing mother. She already has that special bond that every child needs with his mother. I am very happy that everything went so smooth for her and him. The odds were stacked against them, but they emerged triumphant and Evan is well worth the wait.

Now, speaking for Shane, Evan is extremely lucky for he will have the best dad in the world. Shane, is a big kid. He loves Legos, Video Games, Sports. Thier whole abode is a playground of memories to come and joy to be birthed. Its gonna be great to be down there and see it all unfold before my eyes. I am very very happy for them both. It couldn't have gone any smoother. Now will come the years of building a life. Its more complex than beating a new video game, writing a new swear song, or building a Harry Potter Lego set. But I think they will pass this great test with flying colours. They are gonna be the best parents a kid could hope for. It makes me want to be as good a parent as I know they will be.

Its incredible to hold a miracle in your arms. Its not everyday that you get that chance to do that. I am fortunate to have seen it from afar.

May 2007 couldn't come sooner for me now.


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