Sunday, October 22, 2006

I am the CATFISH MAN!!! I can't hear you.....

So, another mundane work week has come and gone. I got a short weekend this week. Usually I have sat-monday off, but since I am taking this coming friday off to go to Shane's, I gotta work monday. I'm out of vacation days and it sucks!

The wife and I were sitting in Wendy's yesterday and talking about what angry bitter people this town makes us. I mean, I'm always going off on something I hate. Why do that, get myself all riled up for no reason whatsoever? Well, its basically me venting a general frustration with my home right now. I hate my job and this town. In 7 months, the great move. I don't care if I wind up working at a gas station, ANYTHING is preferable to this point. Something has been driving me out of this town for a while and I've been treading water. Time to listen and get the hell out of here!

Last week, we cleaned out the second bedroom and tossed alot of crap we don't need. This weekend, we cleaned out our bedroom. Tossing TONS of clothes, boxes of random stuff, 2 chairs and a chest o' drawers. We're down to sharing a chest o- drawers... further solidifying our relationship, yes? HA! Joking, but it sure makes for alot of room in our bedroom. there is hardly anything in there! and our closet is completely empty!

I got some drawing done last night. I'm about 3 pages into Pleasant Life #3, and its coming along great. I got some challenging things to draw in the book. See, usually I write 1/2 of stuff I want to really draw, and the other 1/2 is either mundane or challenging stuff for me to draw. that way I am always learning and challenging myself. Plus I am learning another thing: Don't take a boring conversation and set it in a room. Put it on a roller coaster for scope! So, I'm avoiding my usual pitfalls. There is a very SERIOUS conversation in the 3rd book and I set it at a fairground. Lots going on, and lots to draw. Its a very heavy emotional scene so it will be difficult to pull it off. But pull it off will!

I also finally settled on a cover last night. Usually thats the first thing I draw. I drew and inked one cover for #3 but ended up not liking it. Then I did some sketching and went another way, and that one looks great. So I pencilled and finished inking that one last night! Very killer. I'm happy with it. Hopefully I'll post it soon.

I finished uploading all my songs to my IPOD last night. 1,400 is the grand total! I still got some more skit tapes and things to go, and I got 19 GB left! I don't think I'll upload the comedy CDs I have and I'll just save those for CDs only.

Gotta finish that commission today and work on cleaning house and artwork. Should be a fun night and the week should go by fast too. Shanes in 5 days. I cannot wait.


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