Here it is, 3am and I am finally, finally happy. Tonight, I backed up and burned PLEASANT LIFE #1 files. Its the last thing I have to do with a comic before its sent off to the printers for good. Then, comes the endless PROMOTION, INTERVIEWS, MAIL ORDERS, etc. Since this is a #1 issue, its gonna be even bigger time than normal, so the best is yet to come. I was just thumbing through the pages (I haven't seen them in a while) and I gotta say with all seriousness... THE BEST I HAVE EVER DONE! I've floated some copies to trusted friends for an early peek at it and the response has been very good. Some general things I could work on in the future but everyone thus far has blessedly showered me with pats on the back for a job well done. I am grateful for that. So tonight, I burned my master copies and backups and the printer copy. Goes in the mail once my budget is in order. I expect to have the new issue in early february at the latest! Exciting isn't it?
So, comp work begins on issue #2... YOIE....
I almost got the page art on issue #3 done. A couple more pages and some backgrounds to go! Also, I got 2 more pages on EARTHGIRL to do! That book zoomed fast! I took my time with it and I gotta say its a step up artwise from the first one. Hopefully I do the book right, exactly as melody had it in her mind. I try.
I got a couple of commissions to finish as well this weekend. I hope to emerge with all commissions, Plesant Life #3 AND Earthgirl #2 art DONE so I can go on my vacation to my parents feeling accomplished!
I got the scripts done and typed for Issues #4-5 of Pleasant Life, and the cover for #4 is done as well. So, thats next. Start on that in January. Basically I am ahead of schedule. I want to keep plugging away at the art so I can fit OUTCAST in there (finally) and a couple other projects (collaborative and personal) in there in between. Things are rockin' thats for sure!
One thing I've discovered is that for the past year or so, I've been very neglectful of someone very important in my life. She has stood by me through it all, waiting for her time to come and its come. I woke up the other day and realized that at key times... I've been ignoring my wife! How could I do that? I mean, its been crazy the past few months. Its all comics this, comic con that, but no US time. My wife is the one I go to when I need to talk to someone. She's the one I trust the most. I talk to her about my dreams, desires and disasters. She goes to the comic cons with me. Even though its not really her thing, she goes and is there 100%. So that I am not alone. She rolls her eyes at my Star Trek knowledge but not once has said I cannot watch it, or play my music that I like. She lets me, be me. She follows my dreams, she IS my dreams. I read some statistics that 70% of all marriages fail. 75% is cause of cheating... and its WOMEN that are leaders in this catagory! Not that my wife would ever do anything like that, but I sometimes think that one day she'll wake up and realize she married an artist, who LOVES to eat and she'll leave! (kidding) but seriously, I've neglected her at times in favor of sitting at my table when I really didn't have to. I could have taken an hour or two to spend time with her. I woke up this week and started remadying that, and its GREAT! We're like we were when we first met. We're talking, fantasyzing together, playing together and enjoying each other! Its great. So, what I am saying here folks is, LOVE YOUR MATES! They put up with so much from you. Spend some time with them. Let them know you care and love them! Be open with each other and ENJOY each other. Treat each other like your playground and you'll always have a great day! Got it? Nuff said.
This weekend will be drawing/wife/laundry/cleanhouse. Lots to do. Wish me luck. I've been lacking in updates for a bit now, but trust me, I'm not just sitting on my laurels here. I'm rockin' out and having a blast. You'll see the fruits of the labor soon just keep checking back!
Luvs, T
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