Saturday, March 01, 2008

Last man to the bottom....

Hello me droogies. Busy as ever.

Shane and I were supposed to start recording on the new IDIOTHEAD album today but this past week, he put his truck in the ditch and totaled it. Don’t worry, he’s totally fine. He’s a lucky bastard. This makes the 3rd time he’s been in a ditch and walked away uninjured. Thank god for that. But he’s running out of lives. Six left sir. Anyway, he had to go out today with his wife and pick out a new car and he got a new 2008 Toyota. I did stop by today to loan him some comics, my HD copy of 300 and borrow some DVDs, Cds and a comic or two. He’s fine. Hopefully we can start recording NEXT weekend. I’m starting to get antsy about it. I’ve been listening to more music lately and re-watching a lot of my music DVDs to keep me in the music making groove. It’s an explosive creative time for me.

We got a few songs already we are going to start out with. Most are heavy in nature. I do have this idea for a 20-minute progressive rock song, that I hope will be the best thing I have ever done musically (that’s not saying much!). I think its gonna be a good record. We’re sort of past the 3 chords and swearing mode on IDIOTHEAD and now we’re going to try to step forward musically and show our chops as it were. We’ll probably videotape actual recording so we can FINALLY release that DVD we’ve been promising for a while now. I hope so anyway. We got hours and hours of stuff to go through. When I get my new comp, I’m going get some sort video editing software to make some DVDs. I got plans for an IDIOTHEAD DVD and one to go with PLEASANT LIFE ending. But more on that in the future. Its probably looking like late 2008 releases for both.

I’ve had the past 2 days off of work. I inked 4 pages, then penciled 5 more and just finished inking those today and its only 6:30pm. Man, have I just been taking off like a rocket! I did take a break today and go to South Bend and sold some DVDs and Cds for some spending money. I got a couple comics and an old NES game. No idea when I’ll get to sit down and play it though. I’m so focused on drawing lately.

I finished part 8-9 on Pleasant Life: THE END and now am hip deep in part 10. Lots of side stories and characters arcs have been wrapped up and got their endings I’ve been planning from the beginning. It’s starting to get emotional for me. I can see the end is very close. I only got about 30 pages to go, if that. I really am taking my time and cherishing every moment I have left with these guys. Cause soon it will be over and the drawings will be complete. Of course, I’ll have post-production of Photoshop and Word Balloons to do, but the meat will be cooked and ready to serve. I hope to have it all in the can by April 1st. At this rate, it’s looking like a possibility. No idea when the finished product will get out. It depends on my having access to a computer that has the post-production programs I need. The wife and I are paying off bills and the government and hopefully we can get a loan through apple store and get the computer I need. Wish me luck.

Want to help? Take advantage of your tax returns and get a commission or past issue of my comics! Or an old IDIOTHEAD CD! That would be a tremendous help. I’m pouring my entire heart into saving for convention season, production on this comic book and seeing over the finishing work on my various side project comics. WISE INTELLIGENCE is being worked on now. THE EXPENDABLES should be back from the printer any day now. All is looking great.

I netflix’d the original 1933 KING KONG the other day. Also still watching DEEP SPACE NINE. I decided also to re-watch STAR TREK TNG all the way through, so I’ve been doing that while I draw. AND listening to music. It’s been a great time. Non-stop. No lulls.

In between that, I am doing touch ups on my first written book. Its subject and release will be a secret for now. But lets say it’s going to be a helpful HOW TO for those wanting to do their own comics. Hopefully it will come out from lulu press this summer. I’m selling it through AMAZON.COM probably as well so keep your eyes out. I’ll let you all know when it’s available.

Last week, I stepped out at my job and tried to do something that would help the business of our store, only to get slapped down in a very what I perceive as “snotty” way by one of my bosses. At first, it really made me angry. Like, you go out of your way to try to do something positive, take some initiative at your job and you get punished for it cause you didn’t ask permission, thus making said person feel undermined. I don’t mind that, but I did mind how I was corrected very sternly and through email mind you. It just upset me greatly. I went outside and screamed out, all of my frustrations. I felt better after that. Then I sorta realized that again, I shouldn’t even try. These sort of situations just further reiterate the fact that I am not meant to be there. I AM NOT MEANT TO BE THERE! So why sweat that stupid shit? Why let it bother me so much? I mean, I get to go home and put my private thoughts and creative ambitions on my next fresh piece of paper. While others will just go home to sit in their miserable un-creative lives, not contributing anything new to the world. I never forget that fact, but sometimes when I am in the world, I try to be a part of it. I tend to misdirect my focus sometimes. But these sorts of things help me realize that my care and initiative in some areas are misdirected. I want to thank fate for showing me that once again. Sorry old pal. I won’t slip up again. You know, it’s great. I wake up everyday and realize, I get to create today. It’s a wonderful feeling. You should get that feeling to, if you are missing out on it. So fuck it. Moving on, walking on.

My wife is 10 weeks along today. We got an appointment in a couple weeks for another ultrasound. Perhaps hear the heartbeat this time. That would be great.

All in all, it’s been a busy and productive time here. I can’t wait to show you all the results of it when I finally do come out of my cave to show you all.

Cheers, T

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