Well, tomorrow I find out about how much I am actually getting for unemployment. Been unemployed for two weeks now. Getting sorta bored and feeling kinda locked in, but I am still enjoying myself. I am spending a lot of time with Scotty. He and I watched a lot of THE OFFICE today. Tonight, I listened to a podcast and scanned OUTCAST pages. I uploaded PLEASANT LIFE to Comixpress and placed my very small order for books. Bare, bare BARE minimum order. Very small. So those books should be here sometime toward the end of April. I should get the sketchbooks in the mail this week hopefully. I’ll work on the sketches and get them in the mail to the people who pre-ordered them.
I guess I am nervous about the unemployment thing tomorrow. Projections say that the amount isn’t much. The wife and I are sorta at a loss of what to do. I could go back to McDonalds (if they will hire anyone right now) but it really wouldn’t be a lot more money than what I am “projected” to make on unemployment. Plus going back to McDonalds is hard physical work for a fattie, also temptation galore, working with teenage morons again, shaving the goatee and really hating myself. But, I got bills to pay and a family to feed. Gotta do what you gotta do. I do have a possible alternative lead.
So everything for 2009 (comic travels, plans, bill pay schedule, etc) all depend on Monday/Tuesday’s outcomes. If all goes well, I can buy my plane ticket for san diego and pay for my Pittsburgh table. If all goes wrong, then I will not get much enemployment money, McDonalds isn’t hiring and I am stuck in limbo and the wife is gonna have to bust ass to keep us afloat.
It’s a big thing, eh?
Yeah. Well, we’ll be fine. I know people that are in far worse situations. I guess I am just a tad nervous about it. I hate things that are beyond my control… especially when so much of my sanity and future ride on it. But I leave it in fate’s hands. Pray for me.
You can help! Either order a commission or ten from me, purchase something from my online store at idiothead.com, or go on ebay and look for seller “floydianslip23” and bid on some of my personal item auctions I am putting online right now. Or if nothing else, I’ll take prayers or positive thoughts tossed my way. A lot rides on the next two days. Wish me luck!
Scott has a 6 month check up tomorrow. He gets shots. Yay.
Next week is the BSG finale. I’m scared and excited all at once for it. It’s gonna be a doozy!
Anyway, that’s all for now. See yeh on the other side.
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