Today was my first appointment for unemployemnt: where I report what I've done, did I get a job, did I try to get a job, etc. I did the over the phone thing and got no answers. I called a tech and after a long time on hold, they reviewed my situation and claim. They said that since I was
"fired" that my paperwork has to go through a six week approval process, which I was already 2-3 weeks into. And likely, I was only going to pull $130-180 a week in unemployment. (heart sinks)
I had a McDonalds application filled out and ready for open interviews tomorrow. But the wife had a different idea. We checked Walgreens to see if there were any positions open, and yes, there were. After filling out an app, a drug test later...
I got a job!!!!!!!

Yes, I start working at Walgreens later this week. I’m very excited and happy for the opportunity to find a home that is accepting me with open arms. Enthusiastically even! Kelly speaks very highly of the job and the work environment so I am really looking forward to it. I’m meeting new people, making new friends and working in a positive, fast-paced work environment. Very excited! It will be something positive in my life for once in the job department! I was sooooooo scared that I would have to put that apron, hat and spatula on again. But thank God, I do not. I do........not!!!!! From what I know of Walgreens, it is a place that takes care of their customers and workers. I'm very excited to start there and be part of a team again.
So good news and happy endings all around. I can finally put Lions Den and the bad memories involved with it all to rest. I can walk on from the past and turn the page on the next chapter.
Its funny. I was thinking that if we would have stayed in mt. pleasant, we would be worse off. Cause Kelly would still be at mcdonalds making $450 every 2 weeks. I woulda got let go from the newspaper (they cut 22 jobs in the graphics department. Including my 3 old bosses. The only people who kept their jobs were the 4 artists that have been there over 12 years. So I definately would have got cut.) And I would have been competing with every college student in town for restaurant/service jobs. There's no jobs here, but there definately wouldn't have been any there either. but it is a blessing sorta that we moved here. I learned lessons, and kelly landed a really good job with GREAT insurance that helped us with Scotty's odd birth problems, being in the hospital for a month, etc. We never would have been able to do that on her McSalary, or my Newspaper Salary.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: I believe EVERYTHING in life happens for a reason. Even bad things. When bad things happen to people, it sucks at the time. But after, you go "oh yeah. That was good in a way, because of this or that." Even my mother dying, as sucky as that was (and still is), if she hadn't, I probably wouldn't have got back into doing comics or my artwork. Again, FATE sends you on paths. You gotta trust in that. And this, this hardship is just another one of those paths.
So fate deals me a real good hand this time, with a few trumps and lots of high cards! Another chance to right everything and now I'm back on track with the comics plans. Most of them anyway. Still gotta make a couple cuts, but for the most part, its back on!
I want to toss out thanks to everyone out there who wished me well in this whole difficult process. We did it. We made it through.
(Now I just gotta make sure I wear my uniform every day to work!) lol
Cheers, T
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