INVINCIBLE #60. One of the most incoherent comics I've ever read. It was literally a huge crossover event of every Image character rolled into one issue. Some characters get hurt or killed, but we don't know HOW it happens. It just makes no sense. I thought that perhaps this is one issue of many other issues out there. Apparently not. It stands on its own. C'mon Kirkman, you couldn't do like a 3-5 issue stretch and make a good story out of it? Just chuck it into one book? I don't get it. Dissapointing. But the art was good as always. Ottley steps up to the plate again. Each page looks like it took days to do.

So apparently they are bringing back BARRY ALLEN as the Flash. See? This is why I am not that into superhero comics. When some character dies in comics and its a memorable scene (as Barry did in CRISIS ON INFINATE EARTHS), its negated by his return from the damn grave... over twenty-five years later. Recently, Hal Jordan returned as Green Lantern. What happened to Kyle Rayner? Bye bye. And they brought back Jason Todd (Robin #2). I loved Robin's death in that it always provided a character trait in Batman that he needs to keep himself in check, or else those he loves will die. But it all doesn't apply anymore, because they are back from the damn dead. I HATE THAT in comics! HATE IT!!!!!!!!! And its one of the major reasons why I don't read superhero books. You watch a character die and feel the emotion and then vest all your time into a new story, only for it to be ret-conned out of existance.
Thats why I gravitate to indie comics. Someone dies, they stay the fuck dead. Also the stories END! And they are definately more diverse than the same old shit. Don't get me wrong, I like Superheroes fine. They have their place and are cool, but for me, I prefer indie comics. I promise you, that if I ever kill a character dead, I will never resurrect them. Never. Thats just stupid writing. I hate it and I'll never follow that stereotype. I promise you all.
Lastly, I found this pic of Dolph Lungren that makes me question my sexuality.

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