Lets spew forth some bile shall we?
Common things that piss me off…
--When someone thinks its okay to refer to a fat guy with loveable terms of endearment. Like “big guy” or even statements like “you look a lot like Chris Farley/Dom Deloise”.. etc. Would you go up to a fat chick and say “wow! You look like Rosanne Barr, or Kathy Bates!” No, probably not, cause a woman would give yeh a black eye for your trouble. Best to not say a damn thing and keep your pet names to yourself.
--People referring to Star Trek fans as “TREKKIES.” It’s a term which I loathe. I am not a “TREKKER” either. I like Star Trek, so I am an appreciator of it. Maybe even, “a fan” of it. Although I don’t like the term “FAN” as it is short for “FANATIC” and those people are nuts. Just say I like something and leave it at that. Don’t need a label.
--Racist Obama jokes. Okay, he’s black. I get it. No need to point it out with some stupid racist joke. I’m sick of it. In fact, it offends me and ya’ll who do it should just fuckin’ stop. And stop with the photoshopped pics of turbans and taj mahals architecture on top of the White House, or camel money. Just stop it. Grow up and get civilized.
--People who don’t know how a Four Way Stop works. This one will be on my list until the end of time.
--Parents who let their kids stand on seats and run around in restaurants. If I stood up on a seat and stared out beyond our table at a restaurant as a kid, I woulda got a belt to the behind. As it should be. I’m not for hurting kids, but they need to be trained properly. Today’s kids get away with far too much bullshit. I’ll take a quote from the good book and say “Spare the rod, spoil the child.” Your children are spoiled and you need to shape them and yourself up for both your own good.
--Semi truck drivers that don’t speak English and wave in and out of the lanes. Every single time I am on the freeway, I gotta deal with these arseholes. C’mon.. stay in your own damn lane!
--Newspapers – Why are they still around? These things needs to stop and evolve already. No one reads these things anymore except older folks, and Sunday shoppers. I think there should be one local newspaper and that’s it. Just one. Not three or ten. And no more NATIONAL newspapers. I mean, people that would read national news likely know what CNN or the internet is. So save some money on paper and ink and make them stop already.
--And I am fine with the concept and idea of Hannah Montana. If you want to like her, that’s fine. But I have one request. Can we get rid of that stupid picture of her when she was like, twelve and that goofy smile, looking up to her upper left? You know what I mean. Its on the packaging of every single product she is on, from Clothes to “Hannah Montana soft drink packets.” Yeah, they sell powdered drink flavors with her name on it. I know its not her doing the whoring, so I don’t fault Miss Cyrus for it. I’m just asking a favor, to please update your photos on the packaging. That photo is god awful and dumb looking. Thanks.
--After SAW VI, can it stop for a while? Sometimes the anticipation building is the fun part of a movie experience. I rememeber what fun it was to anticipate movies (that ultimately didn’t deliver). But I’d rather have that situation over a new movie every 9 months or so. Stop it. Slow down.
--I’m still pissed about JP Morgan banks getting a bailout and then they buy $200 million dollar jets to car their dumb ass CEO’s around. Anyone else feel like they got fucked on that one? How is a bailout supposed to work if it isn’t bailing the proper thing? Fuckers.
--Steak is good. It tastes good. You vegetarians can have your leaves. Let me have my steak. Okay? Now fuck off.
--Again, if we’re gonna tax cigarettes, lets tax junk food and fast food higher. Heart Disease is the #1 killer in America right? And we have a growing obesity problem. Lets tax that shit. I’d be less able to buy that crap and maybe I’d finally stick to a diet! Trust me, part of the reason I drop diets is cause food that is “good for me” is so much higher in price that foods that are bad. So if we reversed that, it would be good for all of us. Yeah?
--Where are all the zombies? Bring ‘em on already!
Okay, that’s about it. Maybe I’ll come up with some more later.
But, if we stopped all the stuff you list, what fun would be left in the world? If we can't laugh at others, who can we laugh at?
who's laughing? These things make my blood curdle! lol
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