Paparazzi. Fuck them.
I mean, when are we gonna start defining the boundaries to stop these arseholes? They killed Princess Diana, cause all sorts of car wrecks and now recently Madonna was thrown off her horse cause it was startled by Paparazzi. When is enough going to be enough?
Okay, "FREEDOM OF THE PRESS." But they aren't press. They are photo-hogs who are looking to sell photos. No different than a person who flashes people looking for a reaction. they get off on it. Only the get off is thousands of dollars. We need to REDEFINE what Freedom of the Press means. Seriously. Its a form of legal stalking and its got waaaaaaaay outta hand.
And Mind you, the people effected mostly are people I couldn't give two tugs of a dead dog's cock about. Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan, etc. I don't care about them at all. They suck shit and I hope they go away. But you people do seem to care about them and it fuels them paparazzi arseholes to head out there and snap their pics. And to be fair, some of them REPORT of the paparazzi where and when they will be, so that they can remain in the spotlight. Thats just fucked.
The REAL solution lies in us. What we buy and care about. I used to beat my head against the wall about celebrities who don't deserve it. I created a manifesto about liking a person: being that they create the work on their own and its a reflection of intelligence between the artist and the observer. If ya'll did some searching, you'd learn that 80% of these people do not create the work they are known for. Britney Spears alone only co-writes one song on each album she does. Seriously. Go look it up.
You are likely never to meet these people. Why do you care about them? Why not enjoy meeting people that are cool, accessible and create/manifest some sort of artistic merit? Trust me, you'll feel a hell of alot better. Plus when you don't care about their problems, it takes a load off. Like I give a shit who Rianna and Chris's relationship is doing. See? I didn't even say their last names and you know who I am talking about. Fucking sick.
So please consider not caring. You got enough problems of your own. Quit checking TMZ and buying the crap rags. It will stop these paparazzi jerks and the stars you love so dear will stop getting stalked, annoyed, hurt or even killed. Its okay to have heroes whether I agree with them or not. Just understand your boundaries. Don't kill your heroes.
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