Saturday, December 12, 2009

NEWS!! 2010 Convention type of news and other stuff.

Hey everyone! Big stuff going on. Lets get started...

1-I sent in my table $ and reserved hotels so its almost official that I will be at HEROES COMIC CON in Charlotte, NC once again next year. Its early June 2010. Its a great show so plan ahead to head out there!! Once I get official confirmation that they have a table space for me, then i will tell ya'll about it.

2-After years of saying I needed to, I FINALLY, FINALLY got my table banner printed!!! It will stand about 6 foot tall and a little over two feet wide behind my table. Want a peek of what the art looks like? Ask and ye shall recieve!!

Yeah, I decided to do a nice scrolly for ANNA POCALYPSE. I gotta say I am quite proud of how this book is coming along. The colors are vibrant, and the pages are mighty. I'll probably post up a free sneak peak on the web when it is finished.

This weekend I have my son Cody up. It was looking like we weren't going to be able to get him this weekend because of the weather, but we chanced it. It seems to be working out in our favor so far. Glad he's here!

This week, I gotta work a few extra shifts at the Walgreens cause its Christmas time. Busy busy. A couple people that I work with are going through some harsh times this holiday season. Such as severe illness and financial difficulty. Also today, a guy who works with my wife, his father passed away. So I guess what I want to say to you all is enjoy the holidays with those you love. Because its an extreme privilege to do so.

Well, long day so I am gonna hit the pillow. I gotta get up early with the kids tomorrow and then go to work after that.

Luvs, T

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