Thursday, December 31, 2009

And so ends 2009....

And so it ends. 2009. Another year bites the dust.

Its been a long, crazy year. A big one and yet, a quick one. It seems like only last week that I was celebrating my 31st birthday here in my home alone in January. And here we are again, around the corner.

On some fronts, it was a sad year. Such as the death of my buddy Milo. I got fired for the first time in my life (From a PORN SHOP! But it turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to me!). I failed every diet I tried and of course the biggest pop culture loss (one I felt a lot as well) was the death of Michael Jackson. 2009 will be remembered for those things.

But-I'd rather think that 2009 was a great year for me. I did alot of things I never dreamed possible. Like I finally went to Heroes Con and had the time of a life. And I also got on a plane and flew to California for San Diego Comic Con. Longtime dreams accomplished and I fully intend to do them again. Especially Heroes in 2010, as I already paid for my table and reserved my room. Its happening. I'll grace California again in 2011. But not to be forgotten is the ever great Pittsburgh Con. A great show I just cannot stay away from. I spent alot of time drawing closer to my artistic brothers and sisters and developing this working relationship with alot of them. I'm most proud of the honest group of friends across the US that I've cultivated. I look forward to seeing/hearing them every week. (that it includes YOU who is reading this!)

One major event was the ending of my longtime property and characters in PLEASANT LIFE. I released the best possible book with those characters and put them out to pasture once and for all. And the reviews/feedback were all positive. I'm immensely proud of that. And it fuels me as I head on to my next projects, most notably the upcoming ANNA POCALYPSE.

As I look to 2010, I note all those awesome things that happened to me in the previous year. And I had a tremendously excellent year. I will have a hard time topping it. But I think my resolutions I now state will help in this regard. Check it:

1-I WILL lose 50 pounds. Thats my goal starting tomorrow morning. All the bad food is ate out of the house. I've had a long talk with my wife and we've got a gameplan. All I gotta do is get through the first two weeks and it will become "habit." So I am going to go through some extreme rehab here all this next month especially. I just want to drop at least 50 pounds. Get me back down to being a fat guy. I will be more comfortable, clothes will fit nice again, no health scares, etc. This is one lifestyle change I intend to keep this time.

2-I will release ANNA POCALYPSE 1-3 throughout the year. I will promote the hell out of it. You'll get sick of hearing about it I am sure.

3-At Pittsburgh, Heroes and Texas, I plan to sell the hell out of my work and come back with profit at each show. Guaranteed. I did it this year, and I will do it again.

4-I will get out of the house more. I don't want my son to be as socially inept as I can be at times. So I will take him out more. And the wife too. Also, I'll venture out to cafes or coffeeshops like I used to back in college and do some writing there. Its a very fertile environment to write things such as dialog. I miss it.

5-I will bring my A game to every project I attempt. From sketches to books, to finished pieces to concepts. Everything will be the best I can possibly deliver.

So thats what I say going into the new year. I wish everyone a happy and safe new year and good luck in the future. A great thanks to all of you for continuing to follow me and my work. The emails, tweets, notes and feedback I get from all of you is read and and extremely appreciated. I love you all. Now lets go rock 2010!

Cheers, T

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