Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Events of 32nd Birthday weekend/trip home Exxxtravaganza!

Well, I'm back after my 3.5 days of debauchery. It was a wonderful weekend. Here's the play by play:

SATURDAY--the wife gets out of her training class in South Bend and we finish packing and get on the road. We arrive in Mt. Pleasant at around 5pm and check into our room at the Super 8. Then immediately we want to drive around town to see what all has changed. It had been two years since I had last set foot in the town at all. We noticed that Game Traders was gone. Then I saw that my beloved VIDEO LAND, the best Video Store in all of the world, is closed forver...a quilt shop in its place. But a pleasant surprise further down as we saw Game Traders had simply moved to a newer and bigger location. Inside we didn't find much, but I did get two older NES games for $3.00 each. We drove past the old McDonalds, my old porn store job and other various places. We were hungry so we stopped into Lil Chef. I immediately noticed my friend Jon's car. We went in and suprised him. I had my first "roast sirloin of beef" from Lil Chef in two years. Man was it scrumptious!

(Note: LIL CHEF is a place featured prominatly in my comic book: PLEASANT LIFE. Alot of significant events from the books and my own personal life have happened there... including my wife and I's first date! So if you ever trek to Mt. Pleasant, go visit there. Its historical, bitches!)

After eating we hit the superWalmart, which is waaaaaaaaaay better than ours here in Benton Harbor. (ugh) We got a few supplies and headed back to the hotel room. The wife got dressed and went out with her friends, leaving me and the bots alone in the room. My pal Michelle stopped in and we spent a few hours just shooting the shit and catching up on each other's lives. She leaves around 11:30 and I try to get the bots to go to sleep. Finally he does and I watch some documentaries on ancient Egypt. I pass out. The wife comes back around 2:20 really drunk and keeps waking me up. She obviously had a great time!

SUNDAY: My official birthday. We meet Jon for breakfast and then we go shopping at Meijer. I am not feeling all that great so we get some medicine and head back to the room. The wife takes bots and has lunch with a pal of hers while I take some pills and take a nap. I guess I was lacking sleep pretty bad and I was very gassy. But I woke up an hour and a half later very refreshed and ready to go. We picked up my pal Ted (Pleasant Life fans will know who I am talking about there!) and went to Jon's Country Burger.. the best burger joint in town. but they changed their chicken strips, so they tasted like ass. Anyway, after that we pick up Jon at his house and head back to the hotel. We wait for Michelle to get out of work and we drive the hour northeast to Saginaw to the strip club. Kelly and bots don't go, natch. At first I feel really bad because I am more interested in the football game playing there, than the nude girls on the stage! I hope you girls don't take it personally. I just wanted to see Brett Farve go down... which he did! Best Birthday Present EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRR! So we stay at the club for a few hours and leave around midnight. I drop off Ted and Jon and Michelle and crawl into bed next to the wife who is fast asleep. Bots is asleep and any small noise will wake him up. So I have to come in and eat my late night snack in the dark and be as quiet as possible. I pass out around 1:40am.

MONDAY: We get up and go to our old Campus and did some shopping at the University Center.... a place where we all bought our books, art supplies all throughout our college career. I wanted to get a CMU football jersey, but the price was high and sizes were not too big. So I settled for a small Tshirt, some art pens, a eraser brush and a nice tall glass mug for beer with the college logo on it. They were having a poster sale elsewhere on campus so we went to check it out. The wife got a family guy poster thats not in her collection and I got a nice print of the ABBEY ROAD album cover. We drove around campus reminiscing and then met up with Jon at Lil Chef for lunch. He owed me money from last night so he bought our lunch. I promised to meet up with him later and took bots back to the hotel cause he was fussy. We relaxed for a bit and the wife and bots tried to take a nap, which didn't take. Meanwhile, I went out to visit my brother Micheal whom I have partial guardianship over. He lives in an adult foster care home for the autistic. He wasn't there unfortunately but I did an inspection of his living area and clothes. I met the new owner and had a nice chat with everyone. I left and stopped off at my favorite comic shop ran by my pal Jim. We chatted for a bit. My niece Abbey called me and we met up at McDonalds and chatted for a while. Then her and her friend followed me to the hotel to meet the bots. After a while, they left and we decided to go back out to shop. We went to Target and Walmart again, and I got another CMU tshirt an an AC/DC remastered CD. Then we met Jon and Michelle at Bennagins for dinner. Bots was acting up the whole time and it made everyone uncomfortable. Not wanting to ruin everyone's time, we took off after eating. Later, we invited them back to our hotel for late night catch up. Michelle and the wife went for beers and we all just hung out talking, watching Family Guy. Finally around 10:30, I kicked them out and put bots to sleep. We all passed out around midnight.

And then this morning, bots woke us up shortly before nine, we cleaned up, checked out and took off. 3.5 hours later, here we are.

All in all, I had a wonderful time. The best parts by far was spending time with my family, my friends and watching Brett Farve suck the dirty, sweaty, fat cock of a loser. (sorry bout that my Viking peeps!) Turning 32 ain't no big thing. Just another day. But it was a day I was glad to spend with those I hold most dear. Each time we all get together is indeed rare. So each time it does, I always wonder if it will be the last time. I hope not, because I had a hell of a time this weekend.

Well, onward and upward. We're back home in the quiet slums and I'm back in my nerd cave. I got a commission waiting on me and a dirty dirty dirty house to clean. the wife has the majority of this week off so I plan on getting alot of work done. Around the house and on artwork.

Thanks all for a great fucking weekend! My 33rd Birthday is gonna have alot to live up to!


1 comment:

Pink Yeti said...

There's actually another Lil Chef over in Brighton... Eric & I were quite surprised to find out that we had both grown up with Lil Chef, never having realized that they had more than one location (and still amazed at the coincidence).