Sunday, January 31, 2010

Home is where the heart is.

Since we've come back from Mt. Pleasant, I feel like last weekend was three years ago. It seems like a world away. Perhaps my perception of time is screwed up, which is probably always the case.

I think its more of a feeling that the wife and I are growing antsy and tired of our routine here. The only thing really tying us down here is the hope of her job growth and promotion. Cause I have nothing holding me here. Really, I could go anywhere. But with the job market sucking so much ass, nothing is hiring in a field that I would be considered an expert at, and my degree is for shit.

I guess when we visited up north, my fears came true, that we realized how much we missed it. How I missed my friends and her friends. The places we could still go, a decent night life, a town with a goddamn decent shopping center not full of rude clerks. And oh how I miss college. We went into the University Center for a brief bit. I really just wanted to get a feel of it again, and man the whole time I was there, I was giddy. I really embraced my vibes there. I miss it. Alot.

They say you can never go home again. That its better to look forward than behind you. I know that philosophy. I based a book on it, I believe it so. The future is so uncertain for us. But one thing I definately feel is that I am starting to greatly dislike being stuck here with the dangling carrot of a hope for her promotion. She loves her job alot, don't get me wrong. But I have this dream, this awesome dream that she will transfer to somewhere cool and exciting. I want out. I want to move. Sorry St. Joseph, but you are cold, windy and boring. I have no friends near here and I have to drive an hour away to get decent shopping. I cannot even go to a local coffeeshop cause they either have closed, or the clerks are so rude there that it sickens me.

So what to do? We're stuck in a year long lease, no idea if we could leave it. Plus, our job situation is extremely difficult to judge because of no babysitter. Oh what to do?

I'm the kind of guy who loves to go with my gut. But sometimes, my guts have shit for brains.


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