Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'm back to NETFLIX baby!

I bought and watched Michael Jackson's "THIS IS IT" on DVD last night. It was cool to see MJ work through what would have been on the concert. You could certainly see that even though he was 50, MJ could still move. He wasn't dynamic, but you could feel that he was sorta saving himself for the long stretch of concerts to come. They do not touch on the death at all and keep it all to the business. With a bit of talk to the dancers and musicians here and there. The Thriller video they created looked super dope. and the recreation of some of the old JAckson 5's sets and moves are deeply cute. I was hoping for maybe some footage of the musicians and dancer's reaction to his sudden death. It would have been sad, but maybe would have added some emotional punch to the thing. That would have made for a great documentary. Instead you get sort of a cobbled together footage of the concert as it might have played out if actually done. Which is fine, I think. It certainly would have been a spectacle. The supplementary materials go into what costumes he would have wore, musicians' thoughts on him and little stories about MJ. Its all bittersweet with no tears of tragedy. Its a good rental in the end, but unless you are a hardcore fan, I do not know if its worth owning.

In other news, the wife has been extra cool to my ass lately. The other night we got good and drunk, which is always awesome. Then she got a new blackberry phone. In the process of setting hers up, somehow she broke mine! ;) So she let me order a blackberry of my own. I was considering an iphone, but the price is a tad too much. I don't need a phone that can control the damn Enterprise computer. In the end, its just a phone. Just a few extra perks is fine. So that should arrive by monday.

Also, she let me rejoin NETFLIX. I embraced the idea of online instant play and filled up my que to the brim. In fact, we both watched all of THE OFFICE season 5 together all yesterday. It was great to waste a day like that. I never do that. Besides, the night before I pencilled 5 pages, inked 2 and got ahead of schedule a bit. Looking good. Oh, and I got some of the new convention prints back to the printer. I can't wait to unveil them at Motor City! We also did our taxes online via turbo tax (Avoiding H&R BLock from now on. Screw those guys!) and we are getting back a nice refund to pay off a good chunk of the bills. Super dope!

Anyway, I gotta head to work today and tomorrow. Vacation is officially over for me. Oh well. Plenty of other cool things coming up to look forward to. ;)

Cheers, T

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