Friday, January 15, 2010

Same old stuff.

The Bots sitting on our oldest cat, JAKE.

Things are shaping up over here in Castle T. ANNA #1 is done. I've spent the last few days starting on #2 and trying to get ahead. I got 6pages into Anna #2 and lemme tell ya, its nice! I plan on getting even further ahead today. I took some time this week to do some print artwork for the convention season.

I also have been making birthday vacation plans with the wife. The plan right now is to head 3 hours north to our old stomping grounds of Mt. Pleasant. Likely hang with my friends and hit the strip club for the first time in over three years. I'm really looking forward to seeing all who I can and spending my birthday back in the motherland.

Other than that, its just generally quiet around here. Just gotta keep plugging away at artwork and stay ahead of the game. I will be assembling ANNA #1 and my 2010 SKETCHBOOK for pre-sale very soon. So save your pennies! I'll likely do some cool deals with it or something. We'll see.

Meantime, thanks for continuing to check back with me. I read all your emails, tweets, FB messages and comments. Cheers, T

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