Wednesday, March 24, 2010

2010 Convention Goals revisited...

I'm getting geared up and excited for con season, aren't you? I'm so excited and I fully intend on rocking the fuck out this year. I wanted to re-examine my 2010 Con Goals once more and see how I have done so far. I stated these goals in blogs back in December here and at Deviantart. So, lets see how I am doing....

Top goals for 2010--

BACKDROP! Make one, get it behind my table. No excuses, do it dammit!

---Did it. Bought it back in December. Features ANNA POCALYPSE. Word!

finish ANNA POCOLYPSE and print it for Con Season.

---Its at the printer right now! Only 2-3 pages left to draw for #2!

Meet new people and keep in touch with everyone I know.

--I haven't been to a con yet, so I haven't met anyone new. but I've kept in touch with everyone from 2009.

Do FOUR or more shows instead of TWO.

---Right now, I am doing three shows and two store signings. Does that count? :)

Get back into oil painting finally.

---I am starting a couple Acrylic paintings this week for an auction. We are busy packing to move into a new 3 bedroom apartment which I intend to get a new eisel and paint in the second bedroom.

Make $$$ back at every show.

--I sure intend to! I got new comics, new prints and all my original art is clearly labeled and priced to move! Also, I will be offering sketch cards. So I got lots of opportunity.

Keep cultivating passionate users back to me, my work and my website.

---Always. An ongoing process.

Make and post more videos about my work and convention experiences.

---I've done some good blogs here and there and did a few LIVE drawing videos on ustream. I think I will do some more before NOVI and around FREE COMIC DAY. I need to get a new webcam so I can record my drawing, cause my webcam right now is on my monitor. It can see my desktop while I color though. So I may have a LIVE coloring one soon.

Take my family with me as much as I can to shows. I get homesick without them!

---The wife and kid are going with me to Novi and Texas. Heroes I am going solo, but rooming with friends and I have tons of friends there. So I should be okay. I do have a 12-14 hour drive alone, so I'll have to bring lots of loud music to keep me company!

Okay, thats a look at where I'm at. Mostly done with my goals. Not bad. And I also accomplished other things. I'll go into detail later on those. We're on the path! Thanks for continuing to read!

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