Saturday, March 20, 2010

My week of tossing off and organizing on.

Well, since we've got around a month before move time, we've been working on getting boxes, boxing stuff up and tossing a crapload of stuff we no longer want. I put alot on ebay and the auctions end later today. Excited to get that stuff in the mail and to the people who bought em.

I'm also taking the time to take care of the "little" projects that have been plaguing me for years. For example, I am a huge organization nut when it comes to my DVDs and CDs. I want everything clearly labeled and organized into what I think it needs to be organized into. So I have been creating CD booklets for various CDs I had laying around and got some empty cases for them and clearly labelled them all. All are nice and lined up on my shelf. This past week, I got a mic chord and have been archiving old cassette tapes digitally and burning them to disc. I have tapes and tapes of old demos and songs from my high school bands: BRIMSTONE and ARSENIC. So I have been recording those into my mac via Garage band and editing them/cleaning up the audio. Then burning them to discs as mp3s. I have them saved for all time now and plan to give copies to those who were in those bands with me. Call it obsessive. I've just always been an archivalist. I try to save a little something from everything I do. Like I have at least one copy of every comic I have done. packrat on my own stuff I am.

Listening to these old demos and band rehearsals have brought back alot of memories. Back when I was younger, thinner and a driven guitar player/singer. Yeah, singer. Not that good really, but I did okay. I also bought the Nirvana live CD/DVD this week too. I used to be a huge Nirvana nut back in the day. Seems like only yesterday this stuff was going on. My perception of time is for shit.

And in other news, I ordered some boxes from (highly recommended place BTW). I got cardboard shelf stackers for some of my loose comics, and that will prevent me from buying them as tradebooks. You know, since I have them nice and organized and can pull them off and read them at any time. And I got two more comic boxes for loose comics and magazines. GETTING ORGANIZED FOLKS! Thats the main theme of what I am saying here I guess. :)

Anyway, I will likely finish archiving all tapes tonight. Back at it so I can finish!


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