Friday, March 19, 2010


Inspired by the AVGN's Top 30 list on spike, I decided that my ALL TIME Top 30 favorite movies need an update. So here they are, my top 30 favorite films of all time (more or less in order)

30- MEGAFORCE - Just newly discovered but super awesome. I love it. Its what a GI JOE movie would have been in the 80's.
29- WARRIOR OF THE LOST WORLD - I discovered this on MST3K and I love it! Absolutely horrible, but awesome in its badness.
28- MCLINTOK! - No list of my favorites would be complete without a John Wayne flick on it and this stands as my favorite of his.
27- THE MEANING OF LIFE - I love Python and this is my favorite film of theirs. Not everyone else agrees with me, but I like it the most.
26- THE GHOST AND MR. CHICKEN - I love Don Knotts and this is one of my favorites of his movies.
25- THE GREAT DICTATOR - My absolute favorite comedy. Chaplin was a god in this.
24- CITIZEN KANE - Usually much higher on my list but either way, I give it props. Best film ever made. But this is my PERSONAL top 30 in preference.
23- AMERICAN BEAUTY - Always wonderful.
22- FIGHT CLUB - Again, absolutely spectacular.
21- CONAN THE BARBARIAN - Best Comic Book movie? Great score, the best Swartenegger ever was. Love it.
20- ORGAZMO - My favorite of the Trey Parker movies.
19- EVIL DEAD 2 - Slapstick horror at its finest. I love over the top acting and action.
18- OFFICE SPACE - Love this movie alot. Extremely funny and quotable as hell.
17- THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK - I'm not a mega Star Wars fan so much anymore, but credit where credit is due, this movie rocked my childhood.
16- SUPERMAN - My absolute favorite superhero movie of all time. RIP Chris Reeve.
15- KILL BILL - I love all of Tarantino's movies, but these are just the best of the best. And I rank them together because they were shot at the same time. My rules.
14- INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE - People prefer Raiders, but for me, this one is my favorite. Just cause of Sean Connery.
13- DAWN OF THE DEAD - The original. I've been to the mall where it was shot. I got the 4 disc box set of the flick. Love it!
12- ROCKY 4 - I love, love, love ALL the Rocky movies but this one has to be my favorite. Its not the "best" one. That would be Rocky Balboa or the first one. But this one holds a special place in my heart cause it reminds me of the 80's, my prime decade of choice.
11- CLERKS - Again, I've been to where this movie was shot. I love it that much. The sequel is good too, but the first one will always be there cause it was first.
10- STAR TREK (2009) - Amazing movie. Delivered on all fronts. Blew away my expectations. Loved it.
9- THE BIG LABOWSKI - The Coen's finest movie. Hands down.
8- SHAUN OF THE DEAD - Slapstick and high brow British zombie humor. Oh yeah!
7- METROPOLIS - Fell in love with this during Film Classes in college. Especially the Georgio Moroder version. I cannot wait to see the newest version this year with the extra 40 minutes of recently found footage!
6- GHOSTBUSTERS - I was a GB freak as a child and I still am now. Comedy, action and horror all at once. Its what I am all about.
5- FREE ENTERPRISE - Perhaps a film about me?
4- LORD OF THE RINGS - What an achievement. And yes, they are ranked together cause they were shot at the same time. So there.
3- HIGH FIDELITY - For a long time, this was battling for my #1 spot. It was totally autobiographical to me in my early 20's. Not so much now, but I still love it.
2- STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN - Do I really need to explain why?
1- A CLOCKWORK ORANGE - This always is at the top of my list. I love Kubrick and all his movies. And this one helped me appreciate films as an artform. I wrote a 30 page paper on this movie in college and got a 98%. I just love it. Its polarizing for some cause its hard to sit through in spots. But like good art, it isn't safe and always challenges. Thats why its my #1.

So there ya have it. Thanks for reading!


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