Monday, March 08, 2010


Watched the OSCARS last night, as is my tradition. Thoughts are that Steve Martin/Alec Baldwin did a great job together. The opening made me laugh alot. The usually unfunny Ben Stiller's AVATAR costume joke was great. I like self-depricating humor like that. Hughes and Horror tributes were good and other than that, it was quite boring and predictable. Although I had thought that AVATAR would take everything. Not that I wanted it to, I haven't even seen AVATAR yet!!! The only ones I've seen in the 10 movies nominated are: DISTRICT 9, INGLORIOUS BASTERDS and UP. All were good to decent. So I guess I'll have to make a point to see both AVATAR and HURT LOCKER on disc soon.

I will say that I'm glad the dude has an Oscar now, and his tribute to his parents for it was touching. And Sandra Bullock, is a gal I've NEVER liked. And I was dreading her winning. But---Her speech was very good, elegant and humble. Unexpected really. So she shot up some notches in my book. I remember some gals that won the Best Actress Oscar before and rattled on and on and their whole speech was "me me me" and it was embarrassingly scary to watch. But she wasn't like that at all. Not saying she deserved the win, but it was expected, and she accepted it in an extremely humble way. Kudos to her.

But screw all of that... TREK WON AN OSCAR FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! It was nominated for Motion Picture, Voyage Home, Undiscovered Country and First Contact and lost each time. Congrats to the makeup team and its a testament as to how good that film was. I only wish it would have got a best picture nom. It wouldn't have won, but to have that acknowledgement would have been stunning. My excitement for Trek has boiled over like in the old days when I watched as a kid. Love it!


In other news, I am SUPER busy this week! I am about 15 cards completed into my 50 for the Charity auction. I hope to have them all done by early next week. I gotta work all this weekend coming up. Today, I am gonna get ahead on cards, work on the tshirts I got hired to do, and play with the bots. Plan to take the night off and get drunk with the wife and just enjoy life. Its nice and sunny out lately with nice fresh air coming off the lake. Gonna take it all in today and enjoy. Word!

Luvs, T

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