Tuesday, March 09, 2010


Gonna start the nerdiest list in my blog's history, and its for the STAR TREK fans out there that faithfully follow me. I'm doing TOP 5 TREK lists! Starting with THE TOP 5 MOMENTS IN STAR TREK MOVIE HISTORY. These are the top 5 moments in the "old" trek movies that I absolutely love and get goose bumps every time I see it. (not doing any from the new movie, cause its ALL good!) Its the things that make the movies great. And for those that haven't seen them yet, there will be massive spoilers, but considering some of these movies are 30 years old, statute of limitations is out on these. Here we go:

1 - STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE: Kirk sees the refitted Enterprise. This stands as my favorite moment in all of STAR TREK history. There's tons of emotion in this scene and I love the hell out of it. First of all, its got that great Jerry Goldsmith score and many variations of the theme slowing and building to loud heights. You have the outstanding model work and cinematography which up till that time, no STAR TREK ever looked that good. Going from the old TV show to a new modern 35 mm cinema scale and it did not dissapoint visually. It took the space visuals of TREK to a whole new level. Then it displays the Enterprise, just as much a character in STAR TREK as Kirk or Spock. It gives it a proper intro, with teases and glimpses until full on THERE IT IS reveal. Coupled with the score, its wonderful. And lastly, the bond between Kirk and the ship has always been at the core of the Kirk character. There's unspoken love between him and his ship and this scene alone shows it. Hands down, my favorite moment in all of STAR TREK, ever.

2 - STAR TREK NEMESIS - Data's Funeral Toast. Its hard to watch this scene if you were a hardcore fan of TNG. I myself cannot get through it without at least tearing up a bit. Its so quiet, no score. Just passing out toast glasses quietly and then Troi crying quietly. Water in Geordi's eyes, but yet he smiles. Riker starts to reminisce and remember the first time he saw DATA, and recalls that he was trying to whistle. We the audience watching remember as well. Encounter at Farpoint. The song was "Pop Goes the Wheezel."We're right there with him, in the moment remembering. They shoot to Picard and he has a huge smile on his face. The way I take his smile there is that he knows deep down that Data has finally achieved humanity. In that he's dead and has been remembered as a soul who touched all their lives, to the point that they were there crying and holding a mock funeral for him. Not bad for a tin man who wanted nothing more to be human.

3 - STAR TREK V: THE FINAL FRONTIER - McCoy euthanizes his dad. Bet you are surprised to see a scene from the most universally pandered Trek film out there. But the film is good just for this scene alone. McCoy has always been a sour puss and we never got beyond that much. But here, we learn a deep secret from his past that has haunted him for years, that he granted his father's wish and shut off the machines that kept him alive to spare him the pain. Ironically, not long after, they found a cure. McCoy never was the same. You can see it on Kirk and Spock's faces that this man they've served with, lived with and dealt with all these years was carrying this, and they never knew. It was a wonderful scene for the character and Deforest's acting in the scene was heart-wrenching. I feel for his character here rather than laugh at his quick sour quips. If for that alone, Trek V is awesome.

4 - STAR TREK III: THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK - Stealing the Enterprise. Its a long sequence and its gripping, fast paced and edge of your seat tension. It starts with swelling James Horner music and then goes quiet. Then back again. Over and over, cutting to our crew and then back to their pursuers on the Excelsior. Seeing them throw away all they've earned, all we've seen them serve in Starfleet for years to attempt escape to save their friend. Kirk sits as Captain Styles decares that if he does this, that he will lose all that he holds dear: sitting in that chair once again. Defiantly, he orders for Warp Speed. They shoot away and the young bucks with their new technology where outsmarted by the old space cowboys. Epic shit that the TNG movies never achieved. And "Don't call me tiny." Cute. Racist, but cute.

5 - STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN - The Death of Spock. Obviously, this would have to be on a list. Kirk has done it, saved the day once again, but at what cost? His best friend dies and he is powerless to help him. He cannot even hold him one last time cause they are seperated by glass. When Shatner delivers his "No" line, shaking and just utterly broken and even somewhat disbelieving.. man it just kills me. I think if you asked any hardcore Trek fan they would gladly admit that they cry each time they watch this scene. I am indeed, no exception. Even though I know Spock does return and lives quite a long life in movies and shows that followed, this scene is just haunting. The most moving moment in all of Trek? Perhaps.

Okay. Thats it! My top 5 TREK MOVIE moments. Lists to come: Top 5 TNG moments, TOS moments, Top 5 worst movie moments, worst TNG moments and worst TOS moments. And more. Believe me, I could talk all day!

Luvs, T

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