Monday, March 01, 2010

Rude people can suck a fat one, hard.

Got a new thing: Just go there, post a question to me and I will answer it. Ask anything, either by logging in or anonymously posting. I will answer any question posed. Sarcastic or not. Just a stupid little internet thing. Got a question for serious or entertaining purposes, go ask! Its free!

I've been meaning to share some recent things with ya'll, but I keep forgetting. Its how rude people are lately. Granted, its a rough economy and all that and I'm sure tensions are high as a result. But I would like to remind humanity generally (cause EVERYONE reads this blog as opposed to the millions of other blogs out there, right?) that ya'll are still humans and should treat each other with respect. Coupled with the fact that one of the reasons I am so interested in shows like SEINFELD and CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM is because there are unwritten rules of morality/conventions of society. How we treat each other and what proper etiquette is. And sometimes, you need clarification on that. Give ya some examples of what I mean:

The other day, the wife and I were at a barnes and noble. We were walking out and there's two sets of double doors on the way out. One side has a sign on it that says "Use other doors please." So, that brings it down to one set of double doors. Now, these doors swing out the way we were coming. They do not open in such a way as that I couldopen it and pull it back towards me, inviting someone inside if they were coming in my path first... a polite thing to do in society. Right? Anyway, We were coming up to the doors, the wife and I and a stroller carrying the bots. coming in the outside set of doors was two ladies: one a 40 year old woman and another was an elderly lady on a motorized scooter, obviously having trouble getting into the doors. So I ran up to help open the other inside doors to help her scooter come in easier. The woman who was with her... IN THE SNOTTIEST, SHARPEST WAY POSSBILE, sternly said to us "Just come on! Leave it!" So we snuck past the situation fast and made our way outside. As the door was closing, I said "well, sorry for trying to live in a society and help people! How dare I!" Sorry. We were just trying to help. Now maybe the lady was pissed she was having to lug this lady around or something. But that wasn't MY fault. Here we are, thrust into a situation where politeness needs to come into play. And we got verbally raped for trying to help. Just rude.

The other situation is that the wife was in JC penney (Same mall as B&N) and the bots was reaching his arms out for the wife. He was strapped into the stroller. The Jewelry counter lady said something like: "You know, when they do that, they are not being nurtured enough at home. You need to hold him more." Scuse me? We hold our son alot. ALOT. And who the hell are you to make assessments? Man, when someone sticks their nose into your business, and basically ACCUSES you something like that, that gets my goat. She was lucky that I wasn't there! I woulda told her off. I was flabergasted when Kelly told me about that later. I wanted to drive back and tell her off. I like the quote in Glengarry Glen Ross, in that "you never open your mouth, unless you know what the shot is." When I am in a store or working somewhere and someone has a kid thats being bad, or they are treating that kid like shit, I never say ANYTHING! Its not my place. I may flash a rude look if they call a kid a "little shit" or something like that. The other day, a lady came in and was yelling at her kid all through the Walgreens store. And even at the counter, she yelled at the kid. "NO! GET AWAY FROM ME YOU LITTLE FUCKER!" She yelled at the poor kid. Did I say anything? No. Its not my place. Someone will, sometime, sure. But someone who is likely more qualified to do so. A doctor, a policeman, a psychiatrist. Not a cashier. I know my role. And so should have that jewelry counter bitch. Especially since she was wrong. How dare you accuse us of not loving our own child. Fuck you.

Lastly, I'd like to add a special group of people to this list. This is something that has emerged in the last ten years. And being a cashier at various places, I get SUPER annoyed at this: People who talk on their cells at the store and when they are cashing out. I don't even talk to them. Just ring up their crap, let them look at the total and them handle the transaction. Usually cause they are not paying attention, they screw something up. Hand me the wrong change, don't finish the credit card machine questions, etc. Cause they are too busy talking to whoever it is. Its goddamn rude. To everyone around and violates social interaction conventions. A cashier anywhere has to say "Find everything okay? Your total is. Here's your change. Thanks! come again!" and maybe a wee bit of small talk to. Its just basic social interaction. Ever get a clerk who doesn't say anything and you have to look at your total and they could care less that you are there or buying anything from their store? Don't you notice? Yeah you do. Its the same thing as you cell phone fuckers.

When I go into a place and they got a sign posted saying "please take phone conversations outside" or "Will not ring you up if you are talking on a cell phone" I go out of my way to applaud them for that. I make a point to shop there, because they see the same problems in society as I do. My pal Brian Maze will call me and we'll be deep into a conversation and then he'll say "Can I call you back, I'm going into a store." and that impresses me, because he doesn't want to walk through the store sharing his conversation with everyone... CAUSE ITS RUDE! And he calls me back as soon as he gets out. See? Easy to do folks. Easy as pie.

Its the little things that make us a society. Basic human kindness, interaction and the helpful nature. We all share this world. Little things like putting the cart into the cart corral, or holding the door open for the elderly, or treating others with mutual respect... those are basic things that we are losing with all this new technology and stressful age. Please folks, take this to heart. Lets not lose ourselves yet. Treat others how you would want to be treated.

Sorry to rant, its just getting it out of my system. Hopefully some of ya'll out there see the same things.


Gonna work today on new pages. Maybe ONE MORE PRINT for convention season. Gotta hit the post office and clean the house a bit today. The wife and I have a day off together and we're gonna enjoy staying home today. :) I watched RED DAWN, TREK VOYAGER and new DOCTOR WHO dvds this weekend. Fun and productive I've been. Hope all is well with the rest of you!

Cheers, T

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