Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Death in the Family.


I cannot recall what first drew me to Type O Negative’s music. I think it was probably this old radio program on my college campus. Every Friday and Saturday night they would play hours of hard metal, and it was called “THE FURNACE.” I fell in love with CHRISTIAN WOMAN and BLACK #1 immediately upon first listen. I bought the CD. My pal Shane and I always had this joke with the lyrics on BLACK #1. How Pete would emphasize the “K” In the lyrics: She likes the dar…K. On her milllK white nec……K! The devil’s marK! And coupled with the fact that I could imitate it perfectly, it was our own private little joke. But yeah, I loved the album. Never went beyond the first couple tracks though. Even on one of our albums, we did a joke metal song where I just did a garggly cookie monster voice and at the very end, I said “hopeless mistaaaaaaaKE” as the song trailed out.

Years after my first listen to them, I would work at that same college radio station as a DJ and their new song EVERYTHING DIES was always requested. I went out and got LIFE IS KILLING ME, probably the hugest rockin’ depressing death metal album ever. I mean, when Pete wrote that, he was going through some deep shit! My painting teacher Steve Barber was a huge fan and we conversed at length many times about Type O and their music.

These are the things I think of when TYPE O NEGATIVE come to mind. Those memories of old. The rockin’ good times. I am also reminded of the crude sense of humor Pete injected into the songs. Such as HEY PETE or I LIKE GOILS and the fun covers they would do like DAY TRIPPER or SUMMER BREEZE or ANGRY ITCH. The orchestral keys with the harmonies from a gentle troubled giant swam in my ears. In 2007, they released DEAD AGAIN, a return to rock radio friendly greatness with the awesome single: SEPTEMBER SON. I love that track. Hell, all of DEAD AGAIN is just wonderful. In my love of Type O, I went back and fell in love with all the tracks from BLOODY KISSES (an album which then entered my top ten personal favorites of all time and will never leave). SUMMER BREEZE and DEATH IN THE FAMILY. Just goth rock madness. Love it.

I am not such an angry young man anymore. My musical tastes have evolved but Type O has always remained one of my top ten favorite bands of all time. And I had hoped to see them live at least once. Because it seems that all my favorite bands, not many of them are still touring or even alive. All modern music sucks complete shit and I don’t care for it. But I always looked forward to a new Type O record. Only recently have I went back and discovered Pete’s first band, CARNIVORE, equally as great for other reasons.

So today, I come home and learn the sad news that Peter Steele, head songwriter, singer and genius behind the band has died. Another dead hero of my music, gone. I don’t want to believe it. Pete had a sick sense of humor. Maybe he faked his own death again (he did in 2005, fooling a lot of people!) but its looking like it isn’t true. He’s really gone.

Seems only fitting that the way I first heard of it was an email from Shane. Since he was “ours” back in the day. I tell you, its gonna be hard to listen to all his songs about death and dying and hearing the same way now. I am already dreading it. But I don’t intend to wear black #1 while I do. I want to celebrate a musician whose work will stand the test of time and hopefully I can turn others onto their music if they’ve never gave them a chance. I’m gonna channel my anger into promoting TYPE O NEGATIVE as a band everyone should listen to and dig on. Cause its fun, honest and dark while remaining deep and playful at the same. There’s no bullshit cookie cutting, MTV limo drivin’, bullshit with them. Just pure soul, even though it was indeed troubled. Everyone I love is dead. Everything dies. True. And I certainly feel a Death in the Family today. But at least I got the music.

I want to leave you with a story about Pete that I think is deeply cute. My oldest brother Tony, is a musician. A few years back Queensryche was touring with Type O Negative. My brother has this knack of talking his way into getting into backstage. Well, somehow he did. He says it was cause he helped some of the roadies cart some stuff inside and out of gratefulness they slapped a pass on him and let him and his pal backstage. So there was my brother, a thin little guy, hanging out backstage looking for Scott Rockenfield (drummer of Queensryche) to come by and score a chat with his hero. But up walks this almost seven foot muscular monster named Pete Steele. Grabs him and says “Yo. You’re not supposed to be back here.” My brother stood flabbergasted. Just scared out of his mind most likely. You ever seen pics of Pete Steele? Jesus! That’s a guy you don’t want to fuck with! Pete goes on. “You’re not supposed to be back here unless you have a beer and a sandwich in your hands at all times.” He turns around and hands my brother a beer and a sandwich. “Here. And don’t let me catch you without it fucker!” He pointed angerly. To me, that story sums up Pete the best. And I am glad I got to hear it.

So everyone, if you have never done so, check out TYPE O NEGATIVE’s music. Available for download via itunes. Download the following songs: CHRISTIAN WOMAN, BLACK #1, SEPTEMBER SON, EVERYTHING DIES and TODDS SHIP GODS. And if you like, there’s plenty more where they came from.

RIP PETE STEELE. “Seems three years, though maybe four, someone drops dead whom I adore.” I’m gonna miss you.

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