Friday, April 16, 2010

Stuff and nonsense

Its been a crazy week. I quit drinking soda officially monday. I just decided that there's too much crap in that stuff for me to keep drinking it. And I was up to sometimes 7-10 sodas a day. I am now in my 4th day away from it and drinking alot of coffee, punch and water. Aside from major headaches (like one major one right now!) I am doing well. We went out to lunch the other day and I stayed strong and ordered a water. So I am having a wrestling match with myself.

I did a new pinup for Antarctic Press this week. No word if it will make print or not. It was of Sarah Palin with an M16. Its on my deviantart SEE IT HERE! Some of the stuff I do for them makes print, sometimes not. But I am glad to always be there for them as a backup plan in case they are a few pages short. I'd like to know that I am somewhat depended on. Somewhere.

Anna #2 is almost finished. I colored the first ten pages this week and I got one more page of inks to go on the finished art. I already thumbnailed out the first 6 pages of #3. Nothing but a violent bloodbath. And I'd like to do a couple more Expendables #3 pages in time to show Brett at our Free Comic Book Day signing in Taylor, MI. BTW on that, I got an email yesterday saying that my ANNA #1 books were shipped out, so I WILL be premiering ANNA POCALYPSE #1 at that Free Comic Book Day signing! I think I will be there around 10-4pm. So come on out if you are in the area. I'll have the new sketchbook, PLEASANT LIFE trades and more. Also gonna try out my new standee. And prints, natch.

I'm sorta broke at the moment. I am trying to generate funds for next week's Transatlantic Concert. I got gas money, but I'd like to get a tour Tshirt. We'll see what the mail brings. I am expecting a check. I am very excited for the tour. Tomorrow is the band's first show in California. And then on Tuesday, its Chicago time! My pal Tim and I will be driving out to downtown Chicago for it. I'll make a blog about it before and after most likely. And in other music news, I got my U2 tickets in the mail yesterday! So with sadness in my music tastes, comes some happiness. and I still got a couple weeks to drum up some funds for Roger Waters tickets. Wish me luck on that.

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Thanks for reading folks. Love ya!


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