Saturday, April 03, 2010

the new NEW Doctor Who!

(Spoilers and pic spoilers will be had in this post friends. If you don't want nothing spoiled for you from the new episode, read no further!)

I discovered Doctor Who when I was about 8 years old. My recollection is seeing memorabilia from it in an old Intergalatic Trading Company magazine. I thought, "whats all this?" It was an order form catalog full of Star Wars, Trek, Sci Fi genre collectibles and this whole section was dedicated to this thing called DOCTOR WHO. We lived out in the country and I grew up on a steady diet of PBS only. So I saw a couple on PBS one day. My recollection was that it was a Jon Pertwee episode taking place in a cave and then Daleks show up. Thats all I remember.

Twenty-Four years later I am in love with all things from england. Love thier TV, their humor. I was chatting with my friend Brian about it and he suggested I check out Doctor Who. I had a desire to get into it for a while, but wanted to start at the very very very beginning. But he pursuaded me to check out the newer stuff cause its a great start point. So I did. I downloaded the first season via Itunes. And then the second and third seasons. I bought the fourth season on DVD. And just fell head over heels in love with it. Then I thirsted for more. Everyone loves the older ones. So I went back and started with the "fan favorite" Tom Baker. I checked out a few episodes from each of the 10 doctors via netflix. Just to get a feel for them all. I subscribed to the magazine. I bought the toys...

So, you can easily say that the last year or so, I have been buck wild about Doctor Who. Just simply love it. I have stated publically and will so again: It is the best SCI FI show on television ever. Ever. (sorry muh Trek nerds) Its just great Sci Fi. and if anyone wants to just think its for hardcore basement dwelling nerds and don't want to give it a chance, fine. Its not for you then. I'll watch it and love it. Don't need your approval! :)

(so that brings ya'll up to speed. Now for today)

Anyway, lately I fell in love with David Tennant's 10th doctor. When it was announced he was leaving, I and millions of fans groaned loud. We didn't want him to go. (and neither did the Doctor, it seemed) But we got four killer specials out of Tennant and the last, THE END OF TIME was to be his last hurrah. It was epic. Loud and wonderful. Just beautiful and haunting. But the final moments of the 10th doctor's regeneration into the eleventh really made me sad. It was heart wrenching. I didn't want him to go either. I didn't want his story to end. But it did, and out of the fire emerged this 25 year old tall, gangly, thick jawed, emo-looking kid. Whats this all about then? Okay... well... we'll see I guess. So it goes.

I've lived with that scene for the past three months wondering what is next. What will he be like? Is the RTDavis era of DOCTOR WHO really over? Will there be cameos from people of old? Is it gonna suck? Just millions of questions.

Well, tonight I got to watch the first new episode called THE ELEVENTH HOUR. It introduces us to the new Doc, his new companion and gives little clues and foreshadowing things to come. Sometimes, things or sounds would happen on the screen and I think: "why are they lingering on that?" or "what did he just do there?" Of course, that means there will be season long arcs. Cool. At least this is only 13 episodes instead of us yankees dragging it out to 24 episodes a season, or 5 seasons if you like..... (lost)

Big question: How is Matt Smith as #11? I'd say ten minutes in, you forget about Tennant completely. He's good. Charismatic and charming. And clumsy and a tad egocentric. I think he's a good mix of Patrick Troughton, David Tennant and Tom Baker really. He's got the second doctor's oddness, Tennants ego and brillance and sometimes energy and Baker's ego at times. At times he does seem a bit OVER egocentric, but maybe its a trait that will get whittled down as the season goes on. but rest assured Tennant lovers. He's good. And I look forward to seeing what he will bring us. I think after each regeneration the first reaction people have is "who is this asshole and I want MY doctor back!" Understandable.

Amy Pond and the others in the episode are great. And it doesn't suffer from that problem of Holy crap! Here's this huge dilemna build up, fix it in the last 2 minutes with "whatever, doesn't matter..." and its over. It takes time to build and is utterly creepy at times. Its good. Not GREAT, but good. I think we're in good hands with the new direction Moffett and his team is taking us.

Now the big question: New Tardis? The END OF TIME saw the destruction of the TARDIS as we have seen it since 2005. So now? (SPOILER PIC!) Take a look:

Quite cool looking. Sleek and intricate with levels and the console looks like it was assembled by Pee-Wee's Playhouse prop team. I miss the tubes in the middle, cause instead its got this glass ball stack sorta thing. Odd. But whatever. It looks quite cool onscreen. And the new TITLE SEQUENCE: I heard moanings about it on various sites today, but I watched it and really thought it was good. I saw no problems with it.

All in all, I'm excited for what is to come. the preview at the end showed alot of cool stuff. and the characters all have interesting stuff going on. And to see how Matt Smith's portryal unfolds will be fun to see.

We're in for a treat for the next 13 weeks!

Cheers, T

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